Chapter 11. Rebuilding Some Of The Burnt Bridges

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Rhaenyra woke up to Daemon kissing her shoulder and smiled. Their last night's adventure was exciting! They had so much fun, ate and drank, and even saw a street play that was supposed to ridicule Targaryens but was surprisingly favorable towards her character. Daemon looked all too smug about it, so Rhaenyra figured he had something to do with it but didn't ask. After that, they came back to the castle, and Daemon let her stay the night in his rooms. They even did this interesting position when she was on top of him sucking him off while he pleased her at the same time. It wasn't the most comfortable position, and Rhaenyra had a hard time focusing on what she was doing because Daemon's tongue was doing sinful things to her, but it was fun nonetheless.

'Good morning, my love,' Daemon whispered, and Rhaenyra felt that he was smiling. She turned and snuggled closer into his chest. She wasn't ready to get up just yet. 'As much as I don't want you to leave, it's already dawn.'

Rhaenyra made a displeased sound. 'That's unfair.'

'I know,' Daemon chuckled, burying his nose in her hair. 'But not for long. We will be married soon and no one would dare to say anything against me keeping you in our bed for days on end.'

'Oh, that reminds me,' Rhaenyra finally opened her eyes, more or less awake. 'Are we going to spend our honeymoon here or...'

'You want to travel?'

'I would really love that,' she smiled. 'Just for a little while. Before we have to go back to playing politics and trying to ensure I get the throne.'

'I think we can do that, yes,' Daemon agreed. 'I don't believe anything will drastically change if we are gone for a month or two. Any specific place you have in mind?'

'No, not really. It was just a thought.'

'Then let me surprise you, my little dragon,' Daemon smiled, kissing his future wife. 'And I also wanted to tell you...'


'We don't have to try and have kids as soon as we are married.'

Rhaenyra frowned at that so Daemon rushed to elaborate, 'What I mean is, if you want to, we can. Or if it happens, it happens. But I just wanted to say that there is no rush. I meant what I said about you deciding when and how many kids you want to have.'

Rhaenyra kept quiet for a few seconds, obviously contemplating his words. 'I want to have kids with you,' she finally said. 'I don't know how many. Maybe one, maybe a dozen. It will depend on how my first pregnancy goes. I witnessed what it did to my mother, and I don't want to repeat her fate.'

Daemon nodded. He understood and fully supported her. He would never choose the possibility of an heir over Rhaenyra as his brother did over his wife. No, Daemon was here in the role of physical and emotional support, and it was Rhaenyra who would have a final say on the matters regarding their children.

'I won't be sad if I fell pregnant on our wedding night,' Rhaenyra continued. 'But I also won't be sad if I don't. I don't mind waiting a few years to have kids, actually. I'm sure we will find something else to occupy ourselves,' she smiled.

'So... we will leave it for the Gods to decide?'

Rhaenyra nodded, feeling happy that Daemon and she had an understanding on that matter. It was important to her that she would be seen not only as a tool to produce heirs but as a person and a future Queen. And a labor bed could wait for her for a few years if the Gods so wished.

There was a knock on the secret door.

'I hope you both are decent because I need to talk to you,' Diane's voice sounded from the other side, and then she walked in. 'I visited the King in his chambers last night,' she said immediately, making Daemon choke on air.

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