Chapter 20

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She stumbled back in surprise, and a strange noise erupted from her voicebox

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She stumbled back in surprise, and a strange noise erupted from her voicebox. The Decepticon in the doorway rose to his full height. 

Inferna was, by all means, not a small bot. She stood a mere foot shorter than her father, who even she considered a giant. But this Decepticon easily dwarfed them both, his shadow covering her whole frame. Now that he was in the light, Inferna could see what was covering his face before- a large mask fashioned into a Decepticon symbol.

"I wonder what side you're on," she grumbled quietly and slipped her blades off her waist, though she wobbled like a child learning to walk. Scrap. 

The cold, clammy hand of fear wrapped around her spark, squeezing tight. But if she had learned anything from Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers, it was not to let your enemy know your weaknesses. Inferna raised her helm high, chin in line with his chest. 

His grin sliced through his mask as he eyed her insignia. "Ah, a Wrecker. How long has it been since I cleaned your fellows filthy energon off my frame?" The Decepticon mused. 

The hand of fear recoiled away as anger burned throughout her body. But she racked her brain for information, sorting through any and all Decepticons she knew. 

Her thoughts were like stray bullets, going everywhere as he swung at Inferna. She crouched down, the breeze brushing against her helm. 

'Con...disguising his face with a mask...Gearbreaks! No, he's dead...definitely not Soundwave. Helix maybe? A city name for sure...'

His fist connected with the side of her face when Inferna paused for a moment, unable to jump back in time. Energon splattered across the ground as she hit the metal floor, hard. Her electric blue optics flicked around the empty hallway. Where are the others?

That's when she noticed the safety doors were sealed at the end of the hallway- but relentless banging came from the other side, with accompanying shouts. Inferna silently cursed whatever engineer built them so sturdy. 

She rolled out of the way as his ped came down, shaking the ground, and pushed herself up, denta clenched. 

"Tarn," Inferna spit, the name of Decepticon with a deadly voice appearing out of her mind fog. "You are Tarn."

"What gave it away," he drawled. 

Inferna looked him up and down, throwing her circular blades at him. Something was wrong- the Wrecker couldn't shake the feeling. 

The blades raked his frame and Tarn grunted and caught them-promptly crushing them. Her scowl deepened and her digits rose to her audio receptor, receiving only static. "Commander-"

A rough, well-placed kick landed on her abdomen and she flew backward, back hitting the wall with a clang and a snap. She grunted and slid down, leaving an Energon trail. 

The Decepticon stared down at her as if she was wounded prey and Inferna could've sworn his optics had changed color from the stunning red to a dull yellow. He positioned his ped over her face. 

After years of being in the Wreckers...this is how I die? Not in some acid pool or crumbling trench?

Sorry, Dad, that I wasn't that much help. I hope you don't join me soon. 


The doors blew apart, startling the both of them. The smoke hadn't even had a chance to clear before Ultra Magnus emerged, wisps of it still clinging to his blue and red frame as he swung at Tarn, knocking him back away from Inferna. 

From behind him, Crosshairs and Flamewars ran out, surrounding her. Inferna's face immediately lightened. "Flame...I thought you were still in-"

"Who cares," she interjected, tone a confusing mix of anger and concern. "All you should be thinking about right now is staying online!"

The roars of the two battling bots echoed down at the end of the hallway, and Inferna tried to pull herself up. "Need-to help..."

"Commander can handle himself just fine, and you've done enough. Sorry it took us a while, we had to retrieve explosives from the armory, which was hard enough with the other problem."

"What do you mean other problem?"

A shriek of pain came from where Tarn and Ultra Magnus were fighting, interrupting Flamewars as she was about to answer. The colorful string of curses that followed would've made a Badlands bot faceplate glow bright orange. "Shifter scrap!" He spit. Inferna dragged herself over to them, Crosshairs and Flamewars gripping onto her arms. 

The dull grey bot that laid before them was currently not Tarn- but instead, a dinky little grey bot twitching as if he was being actively electrocuted. His dull yellow optics stared up at them as he groaned, digits clasped tightly over something. Ultra Magnus pried it from his grip. "A data key," he said, his normal frown growing even deeper. 

Inferna looked down at the shapeshifter. "Wreck and rule, glitch head." Mustering all her strength, she brought it down upon his helm. He stopped twitching. 

Ultra Magnus tucked the data key away. "That explains a lot," Crosshairs muttered. 

"Explains what? You guys have yet to tell me," Inferna impatiently remarked. 

"Decepticon forces are approaching- Seekers to be specific. And we have yet to get all of the aerial defense systems fully operational." The commander explains. 

"Great. What else is new?"



In other news, Spring break is starting soon! This means I'll probably forget about updating this fic until after!


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