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"Now, here comes the Hufflepuff Team!" The Gryffindor commentator, Lee Jordan exclaimed through the magical mic as the rest of the Hufflepuff chanted the members' names. "There's Macmillan, Macavoy, Preece, Rickette, The Smithstone Twins!" 6 small figures wearing their signature canary-yellow uniform came out of the side of the pitch as Lee said their names.

"And Diggory!" The crowd went wild as the handsome brunette came out and sped into the sky, along with his team and showing off his pearl whites. Mostly, the girls were cheering for the team, especially for Cedric.

"Now there's the Slytherins! Their Chasers—Nott, Riddle— and their captain, Flint!" Lee shouted with a hint of hatred, which Professor McGonagall noticed. "Something wrong, Jordan?"

"No, Professor. It's just that—we, Gryffindors, must wait until next month for our match against Ravenclaw. Professor Dumbledore said that he was gonna cancel the season this year because of the upcoming tournament. I wonder how he was convinced to bring it back though." Lee speculated.

"And there's the Keeper, Bletchley! Here are their Beaters, Zabini and—Goyle?"

Lee was confused because all he knew was it was supposed to be Malfoy. "Professor! Why isn't Malfoy there? What happened? Did he get banned from Quidditch?" Lee excitedly exclaimed as he covered the mic with his palm. "No, Jordan. He did not get banned, Terrence Higgs just graduated and no one was left to occupy the Seeker's position, so..."

All of a sudden, the crowd, mostly the Slytherins, went wild as they saw a familiar figure dashing through the sky. "I don't believe it! After 2 years, he's back. The sly and mischievous blondie is back in the pitch, bi—"

"Jordan! If you want to keep the commentator role for the rest of your years here in Hogwarts, do it properly!" McGonagall scolded Lee as she pinched his ear. "But I'm speaking the truth, Professor! Have you seen him back in 2nd year?"

"Yes I did, Jordan"

The Gryffindor ignored the professor as he continued back to commentating. "Anyways, your Slytherin Seeker, Malfoy," Lee said very weakly. As the crowd were cheering and chanting for both teams, the Seekers, on the other hand, were bickering and glaring at each other.

"You're easy to beat, Malfoy. You know that? I've seen you play back when you were in 2nd year. Trust me, It was embarrassing." Cedric smirked. "It was, Diggory. But, you're easy to beat too. I'm not going to lose to some lover boy." Draco snickered at the brunette.

"Is that a threat?" They were both interrupted by Madam Hooch as she held the Quaffle.

"Okay, Captains. Shake hands." Cedric and Marcus shook their hands tightly, clearly trying to break each other's bones. "On my mark, mount your brooms.!"

Madam Hooch whistled loudly and the players took off into the clear blue sky as she threw the ball in the air. "And we are on! Riddle of Slytherin got the Quaffle, Slytherins in possession! Heading towards Hufflepuff's goalpost and—Yes! Preece of Hufflepuff intercepted!"

Both Draco and Cedric sped from side to side of the pitch, looking for the tiny Golden Snitch. As for the Beaters, well...

"Nice swing, Smithstone of Hufflepuff! Flint dropped the Quaffle and is now snatched by Macmillan! Go, Ernie! And—NO!" Lee yelled as Ernie Macmillan was hit by a Bludger and almost fell off his broom.

"Sorry!" One of the Slytherin's Beaters, Greggory Goyle said as Zabini, who was behind him, rolled his eyes. Out of nowhere, Cedric sped too fast by Goyle, causing the Slytherin to fall off his broom, thankfully, he grabbed his broom and rode it just in time.

"Okay, that's it." Madam Hooch whistled as she flew her broom between Diggory and Goyle. "Penalty to Hufflepuff for unnecessary damage to their Chaser! Penalty to Slytherin for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser!" Madam Hooch said to Cedric and Goyle. "But, Madam! I didn't even see him!"

"Penalty, Diggory" Cedric groaned at her response as he flew forward for the penalty.

It had been an hour into the match and was getting intense by the second. "FOURTY-THIRTY! COME ON, SMITHSTONE!" Kenneth scoffed as he kept on guarding the goalposts, disappointed about the score.

"Hufflepuff is in possession! Macavoy has the Quaffle and—YES! FOURTY-FOURTY, TAKE THAT SLYTHERSH—No Professor, it was just a joke, I was kidding—Merlin's beard, Flint's in possession and Slytherin scores! Fifty-Fouty " Lee frowned as he slammed his fist into the air, hearing the Slytherins cheer and chant for their team.

Bletchley and Malfoy were smirking as they heard the score. Then, Draco noticed the snitch in the distance, following around one of the Slytherin's Beaters, Blaise.

The blonde looked to see Cedric on the other side of the pitch, glaring at him. Malfoy thinks about it and speeds in the snitch's direction as the Hufflepuff does the same. "You think you could trick me, Malfoy?"

"Shove it, Diggory." They both bickered as their eyes were glued onto the Golden Snitch. Both Seekers tried to make the other fall from their broom but their attempts failed. "They saw the Snitch! Grab it, Cedric—NOOOOOO!"

Draco caught the Snitch just in time as Cedric scoffed. "Slytherin...wins." A loud cheer erupted from the Slytherins as the other houses clapped. "Malfoy! Malfoy! Malfoy for the win!" The Slytherins chanted as Draco landed on the ground and showed off the Golden Snitch in his hand.

"Another win because of me, Flint. I told you to make me your Seeker and we would win every match we play." The blonde smirked. "I'm considering it, Malfoy, don't worry."

As Draco was enjoying himself from all the cheers, he didn't notice that someone was behind him. "Draco!" He turned around to see her, he felt his heart flutter at the sight of her.

"Congratulations, Draco! I knew you could do it!" Rosie smiled as she hugged the blonde. He didn't know how to react but he secretly smiled softly at the hug. "Thank you, Rosie. I couldn't do it without your luck." Draco winked at her playfully, making Smithstone blush.

"Oi Malfoy! Just because you won doesn't mean that you can hit on my sister!" Kenneth scoffed as he stood in front of Draco and pulled Rosie behind him. "Kenneth, calm down. It's okay." The Hufflepuff rolled his eyes at the blonde and left, along with the rest of the Hufflepuff team.

"I'm so sorry about him, you know brothers, overprotective of their sister." Rosie chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't believe that you're siblings with that twat." Smithstone playfully hit Draco on the shoulder.

"We should celebrate! I heard that Blaise is throwing a party tonight in the common room. Want to join us?" Draco asked. "I think I can stop by, we deserved it after that awful exam."

"Okay then, see you later, princess,"

A/N: FINALLY CHAPTER SEVEN IS DONE! I tried my best to write this chapter and used the POA book & Oliver Wood <3 for quidditch details and references lol :)

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