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Later on that day, the sun's setting started to paint the sky with its beautiful colours. Draco went up to the Astronomy Tower for some fresh air. He leaned against the balcony as he watched the sunset and admired the scenery of Hogwarts. All he could think about was Rosie and Cedric. Even the thought of them being a couple enrages him and he doesn't know why. 

"I just met her a month ago but yet, she seems so...familiar," Draco asked himself. He also kept seeing images or memories of him and a young girl when he was around 6-10. Draco didn't notice that someone was there with him as he asked all these questions to himself.

"Draco, love?" He recognized that voice. That voice was one he once loved. "Lovely seeing you here, Greengrass," Malfoy said sarcastically without looking away from the setting sun. "What are you doing here?"

"We're going back to last-name basis now? Come on, Draco. You used to scream my name back then-"

"Enough! I want you to get out and never talk to me again." Draco glared at Daphne, the girl once he loved and couldn't stand being mad at her forever changed to the girl who broke his heart and crushed it into a million pieces. "Draco, don't act like you own the damn tower. Besides, this used to be our spot, remember?" 

Daphne whispered to Draco as she hugged Draco from behind. Malfoy instantly reacted and pushed Greengrass away. "Don't touch me or else..."

"Or else what? Your father'll hear about this? Very original, Draco." Daphne rolled her eyes as she reached for Draco's hand in desperation. Instead, Malfoy flicked her hand away from his and left the tower. "Dray, please! Let's talk about this!" Daphne's whole demeanour changed within seconds as she saw her ex-boyfriend leaving.

"There's nothing to talk about, Greengrass. Go back to your pathetic boyfriend of yours. You dumped me so you could fuck him, isn't that right?" Draco sneered at Daphne, who was shocked and getting all teary. 

"It was a mistake leaving you, Dray. Please, give me another chance." 

"I gave you multiple chances but all you do is make out with Pucey to rub it on my face. And now, I have had enough of it." Malfoy finally exited the tower, just to be followed by Daphne. "Draco! Wait!" Malfoy didn't listen to her words and left her all alone in the hallway. 

Greengrass, on the other hand, wasn't allowing this and in an instant, she grabbed Draco's wrist and her lips met his. He immediately pushed her away. "What the actual fuck, Daphne?" Malfoy scoffed loudly. "You have gotten mad, Greengrass. Leave me the hell alone." Draco left her all alone in the hallway, making his way to the dungeons. 

After a few days, it was finally Saturday. Everybody is getting ready for the match, Slytherin against Hufflepuff. Most of the students were tired from the draining exams they had for three days straight but excited because it was the first Quidditch match of the term. Mostly Slytherins were now cheering for the blonde Slytherin Prince. 

"Okay champs, huddle up," Flint said as he put on his Quidditch gloves. "We have no seeker, so Malfoy, you're up. Zabini, you're with Goyle. Remember what we practiced."

As they were talking, a woman's voice could be heard. "Slytherins, my dear! Daily Prophet here!" It was a blonde woman with glasses, wearing a bright purple long dress with ruffles. "Good morning boys, I am Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet. Of course, you know that." Rita awkwardly smiled at them as she shook their hands. 

"Now, I have heard that a royal has been accepted into the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Can I get some clarification about that?" The woman said as she adjusted her glasses. "Well, she hasn't been accepted into the team yet but-"

"A she?! A female Slytherin, you mean?" Rita asked Marcus. "Yes, a girl but she has an extraordinary trait, especially in Quidditch," Mattheo replied instead.

"What do you mean by 'extraordinary trait'? Like she's a professional?" Skeeter's quilt took notes as Rita kept whispering to it. "Is it a possibility that it's Rosie Smithstone? She's an amazing player but when it comes to politics, ugh. She has the looks to get the media's attention. Now smile!" Rita giggled as a camera took a picture of the Slytherin Quidditch Team.

"That's enough!" Madam Hooch said as she escorted Skeeter out of the Slytherin locker room. "Okay lads, you have around 10 more minutes before the match starts. Godspeed, boys." Madam Hooch said before leaving the team alone.

"That was bitchy of her to say those things about Rosie." Mattheo scoffed. 

All of them were getting ready quickly for the match as the crowd were chanting the words 'Hufflepuff' and 'Slytherin'. As they were quickly polishing their brooms, a girl entered the locker room. 

"Mattheo!" A voice exclaimed, making Draco look up to see the owner of that angelic and familiar voice, Rosie, wearing Mattheo's extra Quidditch sweater with the name 'Riddle' on the back and that was also a little big for her and her signature white headband, her long hair down. He felt like he just saw an angel in the room. 

"I hope you guys win!" Rosie giggled as she hugged her cousin. "Thank you, Little Rose." Mattheo chuckled as he noticed that Malfoy was staring at Rosie, so he whispered something to her ear that made the girl giggle again and blushed at the same time.

As Draco was daydreaming, he didn't notice that Rosie was walking towards her. "Draco..." Rosie smiled as she looked at Draco's beautiful greyish-blue eyes. The blonde realized that the girl was now in front of him and he was out of his trance. "Rosie! What are you...doing here?"

"I'm here to see Mattheo and you! I just want to say..." Rosie softly mumbled as she was lost in Draco's eyes, the same as the blonde.

"Draco, I'm scared..."  The girl said as she positioned herself behind Draco as they were going to fly a broom. "Don't worry, bijou. I'm here, just hold on tight. Okay?" The young Malfoy reassured the girl as he was ready to fly the broom.

"I trust you, Dray." The girl said as she held tight onto Draco. "Ready?" The blonde asked and she nodded and in an instant, they were in the sky. "Draco!"

"Hold on tight, princess." Draco chuckled. "Didn't I tell you to not call me that?!" The girl grunted as she still held on tight to Malfoy. "We're still 10, Dray! How are you able to learn how to learn these things?!"

"Father hired a trainer for me on my birthday last year. And in 2 years, I can play for Slytherin!" The blonde exclaimed as he sped the broom into the setting sky. "Dray!" Draco giggled and held the girl's hand with his left hand and the other onto the broom.

"It's okay, princess. No need to be scared, open up your eyes."

"How did you know that I'm closing my eyes?" The girl asked as she felt Draco's hand was holding hers tightly to assure her. "Because I'm your best friend, bijou. I know everything."

"...Good luck on the match, Draco." Rosie softly smiled. "Thank you, princess." Rosie blushed, playfully hitting his shoulder. "I told you to not call me that. You can call me anything but not that." Draco chuckled at her response. "I'm sorry, Rosie. Thank you, though"

"You know, you two are acting like a couple, are you two a thing?" Theo teased them both, making them blush. "Shut up, Nott" Malfoy rolled his eyes and smiled at Rosie. "Thank you, I really do mean it this time."

"Of course, anytime,"  Rosie said before unexpectedly she kissed his cheek and immediately left the locker room, leaving Draco even more red than a Weasley's hair. "You two are so sweet, you know?" Nott kept teasing him but all Draco could think about was that kiss.

The girl slowly opened her eyes to see them floating in the air while riding a broom and the sun setting. "Oh Draco. This is...the view is so beautiful." She said as she still held on tight to Draco. "I know, bijou. I know." The young blonde said as he looked over his shoulder to see the girl admiring the sky as he was admiring her.

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