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October 16, 1994. It was confirmed that the legendary Triwizard Tournament was coming up later in the month. Everyone was excited, not only for the other schools to arrive at Hogwarts for the tournament, but also because of the Yule Ball that would happen around Christmas Eve. And unexpectedly, the snow came early this time around, unlike in London, and has already got Hogsmeade covered.

It is also perfect timing to take Draco's invitation to hang out into action since it's been a few days. So, Rosie got ready by dressing simple but cute, since they were planning to go to Hogsmeade for the day and classes were cancelled. She wore the Slytherin sweater and a black skirt just about below the knee. As she was busy, grabbing a few things to finish her outfit, a knock could be heard out her door.

"Who is it?" Rosie asked as she quickly put her shoes on and applied her lip gloss.

"It's me. Don't worry, take your time." It was Draco. Despite her appreciation of her new friendship with the blonde, Rosie still can't believe that Draco Malfoy is being nice to her. After a few short minutes, Rosie exited her room, fully dressed and prepared for the day. She looked to see him in his iconic black suit, she felt her cheeks heat up a bit.

"You could've told me to dress up."

Rosie chuckled as he smiled at her, who was also flushed red. "Oh, this? It's nothing. It is cold and I wanted to wear something to warm me up while we drink Butterbeer." Draco mirrored her chuckle. And then out of the blue, Draco gave her a bouquet of different flowers. Rosie's cheeks were even more red than before, especially because she wasn't expecting this. Malfoy noticed this and put the bouquet away when he saw her reaction.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward. I didn't mean to give you the wrong idea. I...saw these flowers reminds me of you." Rosie's face was even more redder. Thinking it was sweet of Draco to give her flowers.

"It's okay, Draco. I'm the one who should be apologising. It's just that, I never had been given a bouquet before. Thank you."

Rosie reached for the bouquet. The blonde's face softened as he gave her the flowers and saw her admiring the variations of flowers. "Anyways ready to go?" She nodded while holding the bouquet close to her like a baby.

After a long 30-minute walk from the castle to Hogsmeade, they finally arrived. The village looked like it came out of a Christmas card. While on the way to Three Broomsticks, they talked and laughed. "Really? You've dated Gryffindors before?"

"Mhm. I never talk about my dating history to anyone, except my mother and Blaise. Though my list is short it may be, what's the word, preposterous."

"Do tell, I'm curious," Rosie said as she crossed her arms due to the cold. "Okay well, I dated Millicent Bulstrode for a few months back in 2nd Year, after that, it was Daphne Greengrass." The Smithstone noticed that Draco seemed upset just by saying her name.

"How long did you two date?" Draco sighed as memories flashed through his mind. "Almost a year. That was when I Or so I thought. I later found out that it was all a lie. My world came crashing down." Rosie could see that Draco was upset by the subject.

"From then on, relationships are a joke to me. One-time things are all I do." Draco quietly scoffed, though deep inside he was hurt by Daphne's damage to him.

"Don't worry, Draco. You'll find the one someday. I know it." Rosie attempts to comfort Draco, to cheer him up, and he appreciates her effort to make him smile. Shortly after their conversation, they arrived at the Three Broomsticks and saw a lot of students there. They even saw the professors there, having a chat with Barty Crouch Sr.

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