Chapter 19 :: Mathilde Wairen

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What the hells is wrong with Arizona? That's the one thought in my head as she's on top of my body pounding my face with her fists.

That Usurper — she did something to Arizona and now she's attacking us like a feral savage. I didn't realize how strong Arizona can be.

A sudden blast of air knocks Arizona off of me. I glance to the side. My blurred vision can make out the animal features of Samza and Mezos, and Prince Alphio's staff. Behind the three is a feathered eikon. Garuda, I think. Maybe not. The eikon has the same green feathers and wings I'd expect from Garuda, yet this one looks masculine, displaying a muscular physique and a flattop hair style.

Of course! That must be Samza's re-imagination of Garuda. I should have known that. Many of her eikons seem to deviate far from the source material.

Samza says, crossing her arms, "Bitch, you ain't sending nobody to Memphis?"

I slowly pick myself up. My head still stings, but I'm recovering. "I don't know what that place is, but I'm not about to find out what's there."

Arizona, looking feral with her eyes glowing red and the sounds of snarling coming from her mouth, lunges at the eikon.

"Yo, Alphio! Watch this." Samza points at Arizona and commands the eikon. "Colonel Garuda, it's time to keep the skies safe, and we're gonna do that one Flash Kick at a time! Here we go."

Garuda performs a somersault kick, the clawed foot striking Arizona's chin, sending the feral gunbreaker to the skies. The eikon then unleashes a blade of wind at Arizona and leaps high to deliver yet another somersault kick.

Alphio gasps. "Your version of Garuda is wild."

"That's how professionals do it in The Streets!" Samza says with a hearty laugh.

Arizona appears passed out. I try to reach out, but a cloud of purple smoke forms around her. A moment later, she's gone. "Fuck! The Usurper must have taken her."

Mezos says, motioning a hand, "Let's get out of here before it gets real stupid."


All of us gather inside the Grand Hall of the Figarosa Royal Palace and huddle in a circle. Going clockwise, there's Cammy and Alphio standing north. Rin stands with her arms crossed on the east. Then Lyne and I at the south. Finally, Samza and Mezos at the west.

A familiar engineer arrives at the scene. It's Cidolfus olm Meteora, and he places an aetheric projector on an end table. "I have some news to share," he says as he activates the projector. "By the way, where is Arizona?"

I answer, "The Usurper took her. She mind-controlled Arizona, and the gunbreaker went berserk and attacked us."

Cidolfus scratches his head. "I see. Perhaps there might be a way to bring her back. Not sure how, but there must be a way. For now, we already know that one of the Sky Fortresses is making its way to Mysidia. The other two I have tracked with the help of Alexander's power."

Mezos adjusts his glasses. "We found out where Sky Fortress Camcapre is going. It's in Arizona's world. It is heading to a major capital city."

Cidolfus swipes through projections, revealing buildings of odd shapes and simple colors. One building resembles a pentagon when viewed from the sky. A garden or courtyard houses itself in the middle of this pentagon-shaped building. Another projection reveals a simple white mansion with four pillars supporting an awning at the front of the building. At the front of the mansion, a small fountain with a circle of roses surrounds it.

Cidolfus says, "The Usurper seems to have an interest in these two buildings." He sets his gaze at the fae summoners. "I don't suppose you two have any idea what significance these buildings hold, do you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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