Chapter 13 :: Arizona Ylfing

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After a quick boost through Research Base Amelia's warp-gate, we arrive at Washington, DC, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, local time. Regarding time zones, it's about seven hours ahead from the Remnants base. The weather looks gloomy, with dark gray clouds looming ahead, readying itself for scattered thunderstorms.

As I sit in the back seat of Samza's Dodge Challenger, I notice our Mathilde resting her head on my shoulder. She seems tired. I wonder if she woke up in the middle of the night yesterday. Could explain why she looks sleepy.

Glancing ahead, we're following behind Mr. Vahn'dien in his exotic sports car, the Ala~de~Edan Pantera Uncia. In front of him is Rowynn on her Ala~de~Edan Wild Kulan motorcycle.

Ala~de~Edan. That's Vahn'dien's exotic car company, which manufactures limited-run vehicles for the wealthy. While I could afford to buy one of their cars from the money I have earned as a WarGames player, it's really not my type of vehicle. I'd rather drive something sensible and utilitarian, like a Toyota Tundra or a Ford F-150. At least with a truck, I could always haul a bunch of stuff with me if I want to.

We arrive at the Pentagon, and the weather continues to worsen with a potential flood warning in effect. A female officer in green cammies escorts us from the parking lot and brings us inside in due haste. She introduces herself as Colonel Simone Smithsonian of the US Army.

Before entering the facility, a security guard confiscates my triggerblade. Then Colonel Smithsonian leads us to the central courtyard of The Pentagon where the waygate stands.

Mr. Vahn'dien says while scratching the stubble on his chin. "It seems you have moved the waygate from that secluded room to here in the courtyard. Why is that?"

Col. Smithsonian says while glancing at the waygate. "It's a precautionary measure. The intention is to move this gate to a more secluded area should there be something sinister spawning from it. An air transport unit was supposed to arrive to pick up the waygate, but it seems the weather has made that task prohibitive. For now, it sits here until weather permits."

Rowynn inspects the waygate, glancing at it from top to bottom. "And where exactly do you intend to take this gate, lass?"

"The Marine One Hangar at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. About four kilometers south-east of The Pentagon. From there, we'll have Army and Air Force officials keep close watch should something evil lurks from it."

"Understood." Rowynn nods.

"Though, Mr. Vahn'dien Meteora's correspondence said that your friend, Arizona Ylfing, can interact with these waygates. Is this person with you?"

I raise a hand. "That would be me."

"Then perhaps you can show me how it works as your friends investigate."

I scratch the back of my head, wondering if that's even possible. When I interacted with the waygates in Esthial, the feeling seems magical for the lack of a better word. All I did was touch them. This one is probably no different from the others. "I'm not sure if I can explain it, but I'll give it a go."

Mattie comes to my side and says, "I'll help, Arizona."

"Very well," Col. Smithsonian says. You two, do your thing. Everyone else, proceed with your investigations. If you need to visit the original room where this waygate stood, then you are free to do so."

Samza and Mezos pull out their tablets from their pockets and begin scanning the vicinity.

Meanwhile, Mattie and I prepare to attune to the waygate. Just like before, I place my palm on the stone podium next to it.

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