Chapter 6 :: Mathilde Ylfing

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I wake up to a melodic chime from my phone. It's my alarm clock, and it looks like I may have overslept. Still, I have to wonder what lies ahead for the other Mathilde — the other me. The mountains ahead beyond the forest she and her friend crash-landed in. I anticipate the mysteries from behind the great hills, especially from the temple at the very top.

With the dream recorder still strapped on my head, I enter a meditative state and channel my presence near the other Mathilde. My vision reforms. Surrounding me is a haunting scene of partially rotting trees, their bark turning gray like stone. Nearby, two deer-like creatures with green fur graze next to a river bend. A doe and her fawn. The waters there are clear and deep. Maybe a suitable place to swim or bathe. Above, stars twinkle and a full moon shines with almost no cloud in the sky. The mountains stand, waiting for the morning and the start of our adventurers' journey.

There are two voices. Both of them female, faint, and familiar. It sounds like Mathilde and Lyne, whispering to each other in a tone so intimate. It's coming from the magitech dropship, which crashed in an upside down position.

With soft steps, I proceed to the drop ship and lean my ear to the vessel's steel wall, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Lyne says with a whispered tone, "Sometimes, I wonder if our countries would ever reunite again."

Mathilde asks, her voice just as low, "Do you think that's possible?"

"As long the Bektorians and the Archaeans share a common enemy, there is always that possibility. Unfortunately, it seems my mother would beg to differ. Her hatred for the Bektorians runs deep."

"It doesn't surprise me, Serahlyne ... I mean, Lyne."

"Don't worry, Mathilde. No one is around to know."

Serahlyne? I guess Lyne is short for that.

With my ear resting on the cold metal, I continue to listen in, but all I hear are strange moaning sounds along with the two calling their names. Then a thought comes my way. I recall Mathilde saying that she sees me as a spirit or a ghost. Like most ethereal creatures, I should be able to phase through the metal wall of this transport vessel. And with almost effort, that's what I do as I now find myself in the cockpit of this vessel.

The first thing I see are two piles of clothes tossed to the side. It looks like Mathilde's black leotard uniform, along with its accessories. Another pile looks like the bluish black dragon-scale armor worn by Lyne. Further in the back of the transport unit, the two appear in the buff, sharing the same bedroll, with Lyne on top of Mathilde, the dragoon's cheek caressing the assassin's neck.

Mathilde gasps, her eyes wide open, spotting my presence. "Shit!" she says, tossing Lyne to the side in a panic. She grabs a blanket and covers her sensitive spots with it. "It's you!"

"I'm sorry," I say. "I guess I caught you at a very awkward moment. No one told me your relationship is this close."

"It's just been so long since we've seen each other, and the first time we've loved each other like this since Lyne's expulsion from the royal family and the Lexia Army."

"Expulsion?" I say my first assumption, "I take it the Archaeans don't tolerate same-sex relationships very well."

Lyne says, her head tilting away from me, "Sort of. Yes, it's true. The Archaeans are not keen about romance between two of the same gender. In fact, the royal police will throw those caught in such lewd acts in prison. Often, their sentence results in death. If not that, then they'll become subjects for experimentation at Sky Fortress Camcapre."

"Are there other reasons?" I ask.

"My reason is personal and has nothing to do with my relationship with Mathilde. My mother and I are not on good terms. I tried to reason with her, but it seems her ideals will not budge. Instead, she cut me off from the royal bloodline and I'm no longer an heir to the throne. To be frank, I'm actually glad about that. I can't stand the squabbles happening within the nation's politics. I'm a soldier, not a governor. Instead, I opt to forge my path for adventure. A quest to seek some truth behind my mother's madness and her interest in the Nightmares." Lyne turns her head to Mathilde and smiles. "Plus, I get to express my love without guilt or shame from any governing body."

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