Chapter 18 :: Arizona Ylfing

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I stare at Mathilde as she rests on the cushioned bench in the Grand Hall at the Figarosa Palace.

Also standing around are Lyne Highwind, Samza, and Mezos. The two royals, Cammy and Alphio, are tending to other duties around the palace.

Speaking of duties, sounds of magitech robots clanking and whirring from a distance work to repair the damage around the royal mansion. Especially nearby as they work to fix the gaping hole in the ceiling of the Grand Hall.

Turns out after we defeated Justinio Cagnazzo, a ray of light punched through the floor of the basement, into the grand hall, and through the stained glass ceiling towards the sky. Looks like the robots have a lot of work to clean up.

There is good news. The sun is shining once again over the nation of Bektorias. However, the people of Svyataya Reka are still feeling the effects of the Nightmare raid. Sadly, they no longer have an empress to watch over the country.

That's what Cammy and Alphio are discussing with their governing council — the future leadership of the country. I guess someone has to lead. Yet those two look rather young. Can the people of Bektorias trust someone that young to lead their nation? I suppose that's up to them.

A creaking noise sounds nearby. I glance around and notice Mathilde squirming. She's waking up.

"Mathilde," Lyne says, gasping. The dragoon kneels down and checks on Mathilde as she wakes up.

Mathilde grunts and sits up from the bench. "I had a vision, and she spoke to me."

"Who spoke to you?" Lyne asks.

"Someone who has the same name as me," Mathilde pauses, "but she's different. She's always calm and smiles a lot. I think she might be my alternate or something. I mean, if I'm supposed to be the Warrior of Light, then I guess she's going to be the Warrior of Darkness some day. Yet, that's something I can't process. No way a girl like her could walk down the path of darkness, can she? She's just too sweet."

"Was it that ghost-girl who confronted us before our trek through Mount Tribulation?"

"Yes, that's her. Her name is also Mathilde."

I say to Mathilde, "Sounds like you met my sister. Was she wearing a karate gi?"

"Karate?" Mathilde questions, her brows furrowing. "What's karate?"

"It's a kind of martial art."

"Oh, so something monks would practice, yeah?" Mathilde says.

"That's right," I say with a nod.

"She was wearing a monk's gi. Her outfit reminds me of what the Dragon Master would wear." Mathilde closes her eyes for a few seconds, then reopens them wider. "Wait a second. You said she's your sister?"


"So she is from The Otherworld. Fuck!" Mathilde gasps. "You know, I wonder what it's like in your world. I'd imagine the technology is so different. How about magic? Is that a thing?"

I shrug. "Most of the magic we have in my world is mostly for show. It's not real — it's all tricks and illusions. I suppose our technology has reached that point where the use of magic as a utility makes little sense."

Mathilde stands up and glances upward through the gaping hole at the ceiling. "Is that light?" she asks, her voice still weak.

"It is."

Without hesitation, Mathilde bolts out of the Grand Hall and proceeds out the door towards the Palace Garden. The rest of us follow from behind, including Samza and Mezos.

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