Chapter 18-Kennedy

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Coming back to Texas, I felt like I was able to breathe easier. Uncle Hank has been hovering over me to make sure I really am okay and I have to constantly tell him I'm fine. For two weeks I had taken care of selling the house of my parents. The lawyer said that the car was totaled so I really couldn't do anything about that. But I packed away some family things I knew I wouldn't be able to give up and put them away in storage for when I find my own place.

I told Uncle Hank that the front garden bed is looking awful and is in need of fixing up. But instead of saying anything, he tossed me some garden tools and ran away. I'm on my hands and knees in the sweltering heat ripping weeds out of the garden. Beads of sweat are dripping down my spine. I sit back on the heels of my feet, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. As I take a lungful of air I become covered in shade.

Sandalwood and citrus.

The smell instantly took me back to the night in Chicago.

I look up to the sky to see Maverick smiling down at me. I instantly smile back.

"Hey princess. What are you up to?"

I look down at my dirt covered hands and then back up to Maverick. I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Oh you know, just enjoying the weather, doing light work activities."

Mav smirks and bends down to my level. He rubs his thumb over my forehead and then cups my cheek. The intensity of his eyes pull me in and I can't stop myself from grabbing a kiss from him. His lips are soft, and supple. His hold tightens and pulls me in deeper when I try to pull away.

When he lets go I'm dazed and I see him stand and start to walk backwards.

"Go shower. We'll be waiting in the car."

I stare at him for a moment, waiting for more information. I don't get it. So I quickly stand up and brush my knees off of dirt.

"Wait." He pauses, looking over his shoulder. "Waiting in the car for what?"

He smirks.

"You'll see, princess."

I stare at him stunned.

He clears his throat and heads toward his car.

I blink away my infatuation and head into the house taking the quickest shower in history. I keep my hair in a high ponytail since it's so hot out, pull on a simple black crop top, forgoing a bra and some high waisted black shorts. Slipping on some flip flops, I head outside down the stairs and lock the door behind me.

Just like he promised, all three boys were waiting in Maverick's truck, Brody in the passenger, Mav in the driver, and Palmer sitting behind Maverick. I pull open the back door and slip in, put my seatbelt on and see all the boys looking at me.

"What? Am I not dressed okay?" I look down at my attire and then at them and realize they were wearing normal clothes too.

"You look hot Ken." Brody chokes out and I instantly blush. Palmer chuckles a bit and when I looked up to Maverick his eyes were glued to the front, clenching the steering wheel and jaw tight.

"Where are you guys taking me?" I say quietly as we pull out of the driveway and down the street.

"This is the part where we murder you." Palmer whispers next to me, with his hands cupping his mouth as if telling me a secret.

I chuckle and push him softly in the chest. "I don't think you're supposed to tell me that until we get to the destination, noob."

He rubs his chest where I just hit him mockingly, "Well where is the fun in that?" He grins.

I just chuckle and shake my head. Silence consumes the truck for a good ten minutes. As I stare out the window I start to notice a lineup of vehicles. No. Not just any vehicles, vintage cars!

I gasp and roll down my window, my head out of the truck as we pass, my cheeks hurting from smiling so wide.

"OH MY GOD! Do you guys see this?! Look at that Baracuda!" I point. "No wait look at that mustang, no no no look at-"

I get yanked by my belt loops to sit back into the car. Palmer laughed as I scowled over at him.

"Relax short stack. We're parking for you to go see all the cars."

My eyes go wide as I look over at him.

"Really? You guys surprised me by coming to a car show?"

"Mav is the one who thought of it." Brody said.

Instantly I look at Maverick through the rearview and catch his gaze. Heat flamed in my belly. I never had anyone think of me like this before.

"Thank you Maverick." I say softly, he winks at me and pulls into a parking spot.

The moment we park I'm out the door.

I can tell the boys are trying to keep up with me, but I am enthralled by all the cars around me. I feel like I'm hopped up on adrenaline. I turn to see the guys slowly approaching and I can't help but stare at Maverick.

"I've officially gone to heaven. I haven't been to a car show in ages. This is," I paused as I looked around the lot, "spectacular. Truly, thank you so much for bringing me."

He smiles at me, grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.

This man.

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