Chapter 4-Maverick POV

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Maverick POV

My breath catches in the back of my throat when 'Kenney' rolls out from under a deep red SS Chevelle.

Not a boy Kenney.


This is a woman every man dreams of. Her long chestnut brown hair tied into a high ponytail trailing over her collarbone. Even sitting down her body is perfect. Tiny waist, curves in all the right places, her boobs filling out her low cut black t-shirt. As she's standing I see her black skin tight skinny jeans hugging my favorite thing on a woman, her ass, perfectly round and squeezable. I look up to her face to see her still smiling at Hank. Her face has a cute heart shape, full pink almost pouty lips, upturned nose and hypnotizing bright green eyes.

"You sure kiddo? I'm not kicking you out."

She nods. "I promise, I was pretty much done when they walked in anyway, just making sure she came over in one piece."

Hank rolls his eyes but smirks.

"I trust the people that I called Ken. I wouldn't dare to hurt your baby."

"Don't you start with me mister." Ken wags her finger at Hank while laughing. "I'll see you at home."

The sound of her laugh makes my heart feel light but her smile makes me stare at her in awe.

"You know it kid."

She turns around and I see her freeze as if just remembering Brody, Palmer, and I were here. The three of us together can be quite intimidating, but she doesn't look scared but rather....intrigued?

"Well, not sure why he didn't do the honors," she hooks her thumb over her shoulder to Hank, "I'm Kennedy, but you can call me Kenney or Ken."

"Damn." Palmer whispers.

I whip my head to see his eyes wide and gleaming right at her. My jaw clenches in irritation. Brody is the first to approach her with his teddy bear energy eagerly having a hand out to shake. I sometimes think he forgets he's a 6'2" wall of muscle.

"I'm Brody. I didn't realize old man Hank here had such a beautiful relative."

Kennedy's cheeks tint pink and my chest tightens with anger. It's not like me to be jealous. I shake my head a bit and watch as Palmer goes up to her.

"Hey, I'm Palmer. It's nice to meet ya."

Instead of grabbing her hand, he gives her a bear hug, trapping her arms at her sides. You can tell in her eyes as they widen slightly, that she was caught off guard but then she smiled and tried patting his back.

When he stepped away she looked over at me and I lost my breath again. Her green eyes locked on my dark blue ones. I was stunned and couldn't move. Her eyes went from curious to a bit irritated as she cocked her head to the side.

Hank clears his throat and puts his hand on her shoulder. "That's Maverick. These boys come to the garage all the time to tinker, so you'll be seeing them a lot. But you should head out sweetie. I'll see ya later."

She finally looks away from me to her uncle and nods. Grabs her key from her back pocket and heads into her car, going in reverse and leaving without another word.

Brody smacks the back of my head breaking my stare into the street. "The hell was that dude?"

"I don't know man. She-" I shook my head again. "I don't know what came over me." I look over to Hank. "Sorry Hank."

"I'm not the one who should be getting the apology. Dinner is at five." Hank starts to walk back to his office, pauses then speaks over his shoulder. "Don't be late."


I look over to Brody in a scowl. He raises his arms in a surrender motion, shaking his head and chuckling. We all head over in the corner to the worn out forest green couch, I fall into the cushion with a sigh. Brody sits next to me and Palmer sits on the ground leaning against a tool chest.

"So, can we talk about how fucking hot she is?" Palmer cuts the silence.

"Palm." I growl out.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Can't ignore the facts man. Also, how in the world is she related to that one?" Brody hooks his thumb behind him towards Hank's office.

"I heard that boy!" Hank bellows.

We all laugh.

Palmer nudges my knee and gives me a knowing look. I roll my eyes. I stand up and walk over to the mini fridge and grab a coke. I toss it to Brody who passes it to Palmer, I grab two more, walk back over to the couch and drop the other can in Brody's lap when I sit down again.

"So we just aren't going to talk about her?" Brody's eyes wide.

"There's nothing to talk about." I say.

"Nothing to-" Brody scoffs. "You hear yourself Mav? She's a ten. No, not even that low. She's," He puffs out a breath, "infinite."


He doesn't. It's like I didn't even speak.

"She is stunning. That dark hair and emerald eyes? Dude, I can't wait to see her tonight."

"You shut your mouth Brody." My grip on my can is so tight, I'm making a dent in it.


"Brody. Don't." Palmer shakes his head.

"No one. I mean it, NO ONE talks like Kennedy is a piece of fucking meat. She is not a possession to talk about. You hear me?"

I all but shout. I'm huffing with aggravation and grinding my teeth together. It's quiet for a few moments. Palmer keeps picking at the tab on his can, making it snap in the silence. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Brody glance between me and Palmer, almost afraid to say something more.

I know I snapped but I don't have it in me to apologize to my friends. The way he was talking about Kennedy, mentioning the way she looked, I couldn't help it. It's like a deep inferno landed in my stomach and I never in my life wanted to punch my friend.

I look up when I hear Hank clear his throat.

"Alright kids. I'm going to head out to do some errands. Lock up the sop when you guys leave. Got it?"

We nod.

"I'll see you boys for dinner, and Maverick?" I look up. "Don't beat up your friends too much. Kennedy looks just like how my sister did. As much as it disgusts me to say it, I had to fight off a lot of boys when my sister was her age." He fake shivers and laughs. "Don't blame Brody because he's got eyes, alright?"

"Yes sir." I nod.

With that Hank left. I look over at Brody and he just winks at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and push his shoulder. Yeah, I don't have to worry about my friends.

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