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3rd person pov

summer ended and belly and conrad spent every second they could with eachother. conrad got belly a spot in stanford by getting his professor to write her an amazing letter of recommendation.
they lived just one floor away from each other. jeremiah would come visit on weekends and they would all hangout. it felt just like before.
the next summer arrived so soon and they had all planned to go to the summer house. right after school ended though, conrad took belly on a surprise trip to italy. adam finally allowed him to access his trust so that's how he paid.
him and belly had the best time ever and the day before they left..

conrad's pov
"isabelle conklin, will you marry me?" i asked nervously. she was in so much shock. "is it too early? i'm sorry." i got embarrassed and stood up. she jumped up and gave me a kiss. "a million times yes conrad fisher." i picked her up and spun her around.
we spent our last morning in italy walking along the beach at sunrise. all i could think was how lucky i was to marry this beautiful amazing girl. my mom would be so proud.
"belly, you have no idea how happy you made me." i said as i put my hands around her waist. she looked up and down at me and our lips met. this moment felt just like the first time at the beach. i have never been happier.
our trip ended and we soon arrived in cousins. we had no idea how to announce the news to everyone, especially laurel. but we had to sometime.
belly and taylor still played around with eachother like they were kids, it made it look back to when she was just like my annoying little sister.
one night, belly and i were downstairs on the couch watching a movie when everyone else was out partying or something. taylor walked in, obviously drunk. "sooo belly when are you gonna have a baby!!" she asked in an annoying voice. "taylor! stop!" she yelled back, i think she was genuinely mad. i looked at her and our eyes met. "i don't know where she got that from i'm going to kill her." she said, crossing her arms. "you're so cute when you're mad." i said and grabbed her a bit tighter.
the rest of the summer went by quick. belly and i planned to have the wedding next summer, here, at the house. the place where we had our first kiss, and where my mom would've wanted it. we still hadn't told anyone, we thought we would just send out invitations and go from there.
we both got back to school and started doing lots of planning.
   we nervously sent out the invitations to all of our family and friends. then started to receive a lot of text messages.

belly's pov

  i waited to hear back from my mom. she would probably say we are too young and need to wait but i don't think i can. i love conrad more than anything and this will make him happy.
    "my dad texted." he said with a look of worry on his face. "i'm sure he's okay with it." i replied trying to calm him down.
   hey con, i'll try to get off work. congratulations. love you bud.
   "oh that's not what i was expecting." he said with relief. i hugged him and we began to look at wedding decor ideas. "what is our song gonna be? it obviously has to be something taylor swift." i said.
   "hm, there's a lot to chose." he replied.
my mom finally received the invitation and she texted me. i was so nervous to open it.
   isabelle, i am so proud of you and i'm wishing you the best. though you are young and i think you should wait, this is your choice and i believe conrad is the one for you. congratulations love bug.
     i was so surprised by this. we began to get lots of messages and almost everyone said they would be there. jeremiah still hadn't got back to us, which was strange but we figured he was busy with school.

   3rd person pov

   summer was inching closer by the day. belly had gone with taylor to pick out her wedding dress and found the perfect one. everything for the wedding was set up. adam was able to get off work and attend. on june 24 they would all meet at the summer house and begin to set everything up and prepare for the big day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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