10 tips for having nice nails

Okay, I constantly get told I have nice nails. Here are my ten best tips to get strong pretty healthy nails:

1. Clean underneath!!!
Under your nail is what I like to call "grime". It's dirt that got under your nail. Take it out!!! You'll be amazed at how many things you have under your nails. Dead skin, black stuff, white stuff...
What I do pretty often is clean that. I usually use a toothpick or one of the sharp edges of my nail scissors. If I don't have those at my disposal, I use my other nails (but that doesn't work as well). Let me tell you, you have to do this!!! You can't have pretty nails if you've got gross stuff shoved underneath.

2. Wash them!!!
When you wash your hands, make sure soap also goes on and under your nails. I have done this pretty much my entire life so I don't pay attention to it and do it absentmindedly. Until you get to that point, whenever you wash your hands, pay close attention to MAKE SURE you rub some soap on your nails, rinse and dry them the way you do the rest of your hands.

3. Do not use nail clippers!!!
Nail clippers are so bad for your nails. I don't know why people use them. I use nail scissors. What nail scissors do is cut the nail. That's essentially what you're trying to do. What nail clippers do is put pressure on your nail until it snaps. Putting pressure on your nail until it can't take it anymore and "gives up" is not good for your nail! This should be obvious.

4. Lay off the nail polish!!!
Nail polish is not healthy. You're putting chemicals on your nails and then wondering why your natural nails look awful. Natural nails are way prettier and healthier for you!!! And I know what someone here is about to say, "my nail polish is natural, no chemicals involved!" Okay sure, your nail polish is natural (it still has artificial color so it can't be natural but whatever). But while it's made from natural ingredients, it's not natural to your nails. There's a difference. I wear nail polish once every few years. I don't feel like I'm missing anything from my life. Maybe nail polish is your entire existence and you can't imagine living without it. That's sad but moving on. If that is the case, just try to limit it. Go on a nail polish "diet". And please, for the love of God do not use gel nail polish. Gel is the worst. It'll kill your nails. And if you do wear nail polish, put on a base coat first. Please.

5. Stop biting your fingernails!!!
Do I need to say more?

6. Stop picking at your nails!!!
When some people fidget, they pick at their nails. Most people know how bad this is but they just can't help it. My best advice is to try wearing a ring. That way you can twist the ring around your finger when you're nervous (etc.) instead of picking at your nails.

7. If your nail starts to hurt, stop!!!
If you try to open something or pry something off, etc. with your nails and you start to feel pressure or pain on your nail STOP!!! I cannot say this enough. If you manage easily, it's fine. But if it takes effort or causes pain/pressure please stop. Get a knife. Get a screwdriver. If you use your nail you'll cause breakage, have ugly nails, and end up in pain.

8. Do not cut your nails when wet!!!
That's it basically.

9. Cut your nails semi-often!!!
Short nails are beautiful, first thing. You don't need really long nails. And 2, long nails create a breeding ground for bacteria, potential breakage, and lots of complaints by the people you spend time with. I suggest cutting them about every month. Don't let them get longer than 1 centimeter.

10. Eat right!!!
Spinach, milk, nuts, whole grains, salmon, and tomatoes are my personal favorites for my nails. Listen to me, you are what you eat. Different foods do different things to your body. The foods I just listed are good for your nails. That's not a full list of course. But those are my personal favorites. Tasty and good for my nails!!!

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