5 different types of intimacy:

The best relationships you will ever have include all five types of these intimacies. A relationship will ultimately fail if you settle for only a few of these types of intimacies.

1. Emotional intimacy
- Sharing deeply personal emotions with your partner
- Knowing you will not be judged for your vulnerability and dark sides
- Making your partner feel safe in sharing their vulnerabilities with you
- Building trust by enabling unhinged freedom of expression

2. Intellectual intimacy
- Communicating beliefs, perspectives, opinions, and ideologies
- Knowing that differences in opinions will not lead to conflict
- Respecting each other's values
- Engaging in stimulating conversations and learning from each other

3. Physical intimacy
- Being comfortable in physical proximity
- Expressing love through physical acts like holding hands, kissing, cuddling, etc.
- Engaging in consensual sex
- Making "touch" their love language by playing with their partner's hair, offering a massage, etc.

4. Experiential intimacy
- Experiencing things together
- Sharing inside jokes and stories
- Working as a team towards a common goal
- Knowing how the other functions through experience

5. Spiritual intimacy
- Sharing similar existential philosophies
- Believing in similar concepts of spirituality
- Bonding over deeply moving experiences
- Practicing spiritual activities together

Look, all my readers, I am warning you now. DO NOT underestimate the importance of any of these types of intimacies. Don't marry someone if you know your relationship will ultimately satisfy only some or none of these. You will either end up in an unhappy relationship for the rest of your life or add to the awfully high divorce rate and waste years of your life in the wrong relationship.

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