10 life hacks

1. If you're thirsty, know that every restaurant (at least in the United States of America) is legally required to give you free tap water. Just ask for some!

2. Cutting onions? Chew some gum at the same time. This way you won't tear up. You can of course also chew another chewy food or just make the chewing motion with your mouth. Trust me, this works!

3. If you're going to a zoo, try to wear the same colors that zoo employees do. The animals will come right up to you instead of backing away. This is a little cruel to the animals because they think they're getting fed so use wisely.

4. To remove the stem from strawberries, use a straw.

5. Stop losing hairpins by putting them in an old tic tac box.

6. The slit at the top of popcorn bags is useful. Get yourself a bowl and your unopened popped popcorn bag. Turn the bag upside down so the slit is facing the bowl and just shake the bag. All the unpopped kernels will fall into the bowl. Keep shaking until you think you got them all out. Throw them away and then open the bag. Voila, a beautiful bowl of popcorn without any of the annoying bits.

7. Put your phone on airplane plane mode when charging. It'll charge faster.

8. Bug bite itching? Use your fingernails to make a snowflake on it. (Should look something like this: *)

9. If you're buying headphones, earphones, or speakers, test them out using "Bohemian Rhapsody". It has the complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.

10. When you're finished with an essay, copy and paste it into google translate. Listening to it is an easy way to find mistakes.

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