Chapter Twelve ⋆ ★

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Beyond the glass dome, stars erupt into flashes of gold and sapphire and emerald, streaking past us, weaving a tapestry of celestial objects. Like a being thrown into a big pot of pearls and gemstones and stirred around and around and around.

A force like a million little pin pricks drags across my skin, painful, but it's the cost of travelling through space with rough engines. It's just space dust flying through our bodies at 19324738443700 miles per hour; not particularly deadly in small doses.

"Why is my skin burning?" Shrieks Enea, the self-proclaimed hottie (I beg to differ). "Oh gods I feel like I'm melting!"

"Only ten seconds left in hyperdrive." Miith calls from her station. "All systems normal. All life systems normal. All health statuses normal."

Apparently, that doesn't help Enea.

"I'm dying!" She shrieks, "dying! My skin is frying like a fried chicken! I'm turning into a roasted potato an-"

"Shut up, Enea!" Aurelia snaps, "it's just a bit of space acupuncture."

Space acupuncture. That's a new one. I like it.

Gradually, I can feel the engines begin to slow. The tapestry of colours begins to morph back into one piece of darkness, with little white dots for stars and a massive spherical planet drawing closer and closer.

It's a marble of misty blue, with spirals of orange weaving in and out of the clouds; spaghetti on a blue plate.

"Arrival at Noshi, 8am." Comes a voice from below, "initiating crescent manoeuvre."

This will take a while.

I snatch the microphone from the inside of my Captain's seat, "helloooo ladies and gentlemen, just letting you know that the journey from Osticara to Noshi didn't end in flames – as you might be able to tell. All systems are working perfectly fine, except the engines – I'm kidding! Although, a few of you might have felt..."

I glance back to Enea who is glaring at me.

"You few of you might have felt a bit like you were being smacked around like a piñata, but don't worry, it's completely normal" I grin at Aurelia. "Just a bit of space acupuncture. Symptoms should fade within a few minutes. And just so you know, official introductions for your newly assigned jobs will happen at 10am in the main hall. Captain out."

Just as go to put the microphone back, Aurelia grabs my hand.

"Thanks for letting me sit here." She says something else, but I don't hear. Her hands are so warm, and she looks at me with eyes like melted chocolate and a smile so prett-

Illion the Marillion, what are you thinking!

I slap myself mentally; I can't be crumbling like biscuits every time she touches me. This is really, really not good.

I manage to squeak out a quick 'no worries, it's just peachy' before Lolli-N comes to my rescue.

"Sorry everyone! The captain's needed on deck 3!" She wrenches me away from the seat with urgency, "but don't worry, an escort will take you all to breakfast!"

"Don't blow my ship!" I yell at the two women as I'm dragged out the bridge door.

"Illion the Marillion." Scoffs Lolli-N as soon as we're in the corridor. "More like Illion the not-Marizzion."

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