Chapter Six ⋆ ★

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We've been walking around this palace of lunacy (aka; the Marillion) for over an hour. Or at least, it feels like it. The halls are full of flashing lights and mosaic floors that seem to morph as we step on them; styles outdated for well over a century. I'm lucky I don't have motion sickness.

But looking like a fever dream, it has a weird sort of beauty – not in the way a sunset is pretty, but pretty like when a child runs across wet pavement and accidentally creates a masterpiece with their footprints. Out of place, weird pretty, which is exactly what this is.

And I have no doubt that's exactly what my beloved betrothed will be, although Illion the mad Marillion isn't 'ready to see us yet'. Whatever that means.

"He's probably getting high off candy wrappers." I mutter to Enea, keeping my tone low so Lolli-N doesn't hear.

"Hush up!" She elbows me rudely, "just be happy you have a husband who's hot. Did you hear Ivi Patrik got in? That bastard. He's ugly as hell. The selection of men aboard this thing is horrendous."

"Josa Mosa got in too." I roll my eyes, "I thought he was your dream guy?"

"He's also got a thing for throwing chocolate sauce over girls. No thanks."

"That sounds like something Illio-" Enea smacks me on the back of my head before I can finish, and my cry of surprise causes Lolli-N to spin around.

"I assure you the captain is not going to throw chocolate sauce over anyone."

"What?" I can just imagine the mortification flooding my face.

"And contrary to many rumours, Illion does not 'get high' off anything, least of all candy wrappers." Lolli-N smiles sweetly, and then resumes rolling ahead of us, this time at a faster pace.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I protest, although, I really did mean it like that.

Enea backs me up as we jog to keep up with the Homebot, "she didn't mean it!"

"Almost there!" Lolli-N interrupts, disregarding our protests.

We're standing outside a vermillion door now, with a flashing green circle on the wall. Lolli-N slaps her hand on it, the doors slide open, and a room lined with bunk beds is revealed. It's a small place, and counting the beds, at least six people will be living here.

I swallow nervously. I better not be sleeping here.

Lolli-N grins, and waves her hand at the nearest bunk, "Enea Anique, these will be your quarters for the entirety of the journey. Please enjoy."

"Huh?" Enea looks beyond appalled, "this?"

"Would you rather sleep on the floor?" I cut in, "take it."

"Bitch, would you sleep there?" Enea points frantically at the tiny bed, "I'm going to get premature arthritis sleeping on that!"

"Better than being flayed alive when the Zyxien arrive." I mutter.

"Unfortunately," Lolli-N coughs, a metallic grating sound, as if she is trying to clear her throat, "due to the circumstances, most passengers will be staying in such facilities."

"Where's she going then?" Enea stands with her hands on her hips, looking me up and down.

"With the captain."

"Wait, what?" I nearly choke on my own words.

"You will share his quarters with him. You are legally married."

"I didn't know that was part of it!" I exclaim, "don't I get my own room?"

"There is not sufficient space to provide you with such a luxury." Lolli-N shrugs, "in my opinion I think Illion could use some company besides the crew, and you...." She gives me a skeptical look, "you could use some optimism."

A cold sweat is gathering across my body, and I wipe my hands hastily on my pants, "can Enea and I swap? Please? He doesn't even know what I look like right? I'm sure he wouldn't notice."

"Oh, hell no!" Enea shakes her head furiously, "your hubby, your problem!"


She refuses, "he's not even my type! I'd rather have Josa Mosa!"

Lolli-N sighs and takes me by the arm, "Aurelia Anique, I'm afraid we must take your to your quarters now before the captain returns. Your sister can settle in by herself."

"Yeah, go enjoy your new hubby." Enea make a heart with her hands and gives me a pout as the doors close.

"Do I at least get my own bed?" I can barely get the question out.




After wandering through the maze of halls, going up a few elevators, and becoming lost a few times (at least, it felt like it), I find myself standing at the highest point of the ship (according to Lolli-N) outside of a baby blue door with the number 1 engraved on it in pink and with tiny white moons dotted around it.

Quite childish for a captain – but then again, this whole ship is like a child's dream.

"Here you are, Mrs. Marillion." Lolli-N drops a silver keycard in my palm, "you will have access to his room at all times but are generally expected not to enter after six in the evening until midnight; that's when the captain rests. Unless you make an agreement otherwise."

Mrs. Marillion? Already?

"Thanks." I mutter, frowning at the card in my hand.

"And one last word of advice."

"Hm?" I look up to see Lolli-N staring me down fiercely.

"We are very fond of our captain. Very fond. Hurt him..." She lets it hang in the air for a second, and then a cheery smile melts back onto her face, "have a pleasant evening Mrs. Marillion!"

And then she's away, rolling down the hall with her white pigtails flying behind her.


End of Chapter Six

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