Chapter 14

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Her room was decorated in pale pinks and purples. A corner filled with half dressed barbies was to one side and an antique, white dresser was on the other. And right in the middle was River's daughter—Melodie—sleeping with her arms wrapped around a human-sized, stuffed koala. She couldn't have been older than ten. Eight if Hunter were to guess. A sweet, young little girl and Hunter had somehow become convinced that she was the mystery wife.

River gently closed the door, making sure not to awaken the sleeping child.

"With all this excitement, I'm actually really tired," River yawned as if on cue, leaning heavily against the corridor wall. "I'm gonna go to bed but you can sleep over if you want. If you're willing to take the couch."

Hunter turned, glancing at the spacious living room and the thick brown couch in the middle of it. Not the most luxurious place Hunter's ever stayed in, but a couch didn't faze him.

"The couch sounds great."

River smiled, turning to grab some blankets for Hunter's couch stay. Their shoulders brushed and without thinking, Hunter's hand snapped out to hold River's. With the shorter man's eyes on his again, Hunter swallowed the nervous lump down his throat.

"Then . . . we can talk about us tomorrow?"

River's eyes fell down to Hunter's lips and the younger man wondered if they would get a repeat of their heated moment outside. Then his eyes came up again and a single nod marked the end of the moment.


Hunter squeezed River's hand one more time before letting go and retreating to the living room.


Hunter's neck felt sore and his eyes irritated. His mildly conscious brain registered the crust in his eyes, heavier than usual. His ears picked up whispering when suddenly a little girl's voice was right by his ear.

"Good morning," she whispered gently, trying to rouse Hunter from sleep. She went to repeat the simple phrase but was pulled away in a rush. Her work was complete though and Hunter pushed off his arms to sit upright. But, this was not his bed and getting into a seated position was harder than he remembered.

As Hunter's sleep-muddled brain tried to command his body, he overheard the conversation between River and his daughter.

"Melodie, you can't just go up to a stranger when they're asleep like that."

"But you said he's a friend."

"He is my friend but he's also an adult and we have to be careful around adults, remember?"

"Yes daddy. Sorry."

"Thank you for apologizing. Now please go get dressed."

By the time Hunter was sitting upright and had successfully rubbed the boogers from his eyes, Melodie's scampering footsteps were already deep into the house. River caught the fact that his guest was awake and hurried over to Hunter's side.

"I'm sorry about her. She's not used to finding new people sleeping on our couch," River joked, sitting down on the armrest farthest from Hunter.

"It's fine," Hunter croaked, his voice still raw from sleep. Even though clearing his throat proved ineffective, Hunter did his best to keep speaking. "I appreciate that she woke me up gently."

River laughed softly but when he quieted again, an awkward lull filled the air.

"So, I have a spare toothbrush you can use and a towel if you need to shower."

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