Chapter 12

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"Boarding for the 3:15 flight to New York will begin in 10 minutes," a short flight attendant standing to the right of the gate announced, the speakers muffling her soft voice. "Please come up and see us if you have a ticket . . . "

Hunter stopped listening, having no need to get his ticket sorted. Josh had organized his flight long ago so he knew first-class boarding would be a breeze.

Hunter just had to get on the flight and soon he'd be arriving in New York city. He imagined that over the next few days he would be visiting Broadway or catching a baseball game. Hunter also needed to get downtown and try some of their famous pizza. But this wasn't a trip for pleasure. Months of preparation and work secured Stick Figure Animations as one of three main animation studios working on the newest Illumination film. Stick Figure, with two others, would cover the bulk of the animation work, which meant a lot of work and a lot of money.

While Hunter wished he could be back at the office helping his employees with the constant workload they faced, they needed a representative in New York to finalize the contracts and and complete last minute negotiations. Hunter's chest puffed with pride at the opportunity to be so involved in a project. Four years ago, his father could only have dreamed of doing something of this scale but his toiling and effort made it possible for Hunter to be here today, avoiding sticky airport seats as he waited to board first class.

Pulling out his phone. Hunter checked his schedule for the next couple of weeks and winced. Illumination had him going to several meetings over in New York as they solidified any choices on the movie. It would be a bit of time before he could enjoy River's company again. A few weeks earlier, after work to get the Illumination bid ended, Hunter wanted to tell River all about it. But at the last second, he chickened out. He didn't want to express how big of an accomplishment it was lest River think he was bragging. But in keeping the details from him, Hunter was also withholding how much time he would have to put into it.

This may not be the last time River went weeks without seeing him. On the bright side, Hunter wasn't sure the other man would miss him that much. He was the main person trying, sharing about his life, going to see River, while the latter seemed to still be holding so much back. Maybe he would enjoy a break from Hunter's presence.

"Zone 1, please begin to board the plane."

Hunter walked up to the gate, acknowledging that he was experiencing his last few minutes in Canada before the trip. Maybe he should send River a quick text, just to let the other man know where he is? Yet, while the device burned in his pants' pocket, Hunter could not lift it. He couldn't face the idea of what River's response may or may not be. So he got on the plane and felt confident that the man he was falling for wouldn't miss him too much.


Josh had told Hunter he would be treated well in New York. Foolishly, the man assumed that meant his own room and maybe breakfast included. Hunter's first reality check came when a man he'd never met was waiting for him with a sign that said Mr. Dannings.

"Good evening Mr. Dannings. I will be your chauffeur for the duration of your trip."

And a chauffeur was the last surprise the man would receive. He was convinced he'd been driven to the wrong hotel when they first got there. His neck craned to see the top of the glass building and flags hung decadently from the front.

"Mr. Dannings, I have sent you a text message so you have my number. Please call me when you need to go anywhere in the city."

With that final message, the man drove away and Hunter was forced to accept that Josh had splurged a lot on accommodations.

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