Chapter 1

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Hunter was an expert at being alone. It just happened to be his least favorite thing to do. He started his work days alone, using a key to enter an empty office building. He ate his lunch alone at his desk while everyone else went out for lunch. And, he left the office alone, using that same key to close up for the night. It seemed like the tradition would continue today judging by the time flashing on the bottom corner of his computer.

His PA had bid him goodnight well over an hour ago and the office floor felt oddly quiet. Hunter gnawed on his bottom lip as he looked at the bathroom door to his right. Just behind that door he would find his back-up toothbrush and spare clothes. It would be easy to just spend the night again, allowing Hunter to avoid the cold condo he called home. But Hunter also wanted to make a Gin and Tonic and he only kept alcohol at his place—this eliminated the temptation of drinking on the job. Unfortunately, Hunter couldn't avoid home and get drunk at the same time. So he set a new alarm:

Be at the bar by 11 pm

That time gave Hunter a few more hours to work. Which were a few less hours alone to his thoughts.


Hunter made the decision because he felt unsettled. His driving was safe and efficient, the car temperature was slightly cool, and he followed the typical route. But typical didn't feel like enough today. It was inevitable that after being the CEO of his company for 2 years, always sticking to the same schedules and routines, Hunter would want more. But now that the desire arrived, the young white man didn't know what to do with it. His options were limited by the fact that he had work the next day. And, the stereotypical activity that came to mind—clubbing—sounded incredibly uninteresting.

Hunter tilted his head as he peered through the window, watching how the lights reflected off of the glass. Several illuminated signs passed his eyes but one name suddenly caught his attention: Adonis. Lifting his head, Hunter could barely catch the sight of a bar floating further away as they drove. Hunter swallowed, preparing his throat even though the words hadn't quite formed.

One thought swam through his mind.

I need to go to that bar.

Making such a sudden U-turn wasn't easy but after some tire screeching, furious wheel turning, and general fanfare, Hunter ended up in front of the sleek-looking bar.

At 27 years of age, Hunter wasn't sure if Adonis was the sort of place he was expected to frequent. Younger guys were supposed to go to pubs and home-y bars where the lack of decor and cleanliness was a fun quirk that added to the charm. Adonis looked expensive, very upper-class. Eyeing the three-piece suit Hunter still had on, he relaxed. Maybe he would actually fit right in.

Without another thought, Hunter pushed open the door, a gush of warm air hitting his body. The sound of small talk and laughter hit his ears, louder than the soft jazz music playing in the background.

Hunter's eye traveled over to the bar where sharply dressed men and women sipped carefully crafted drinks. Expensive, upper-class. The bar perfectly met the expectations created by the name, if not surpassing them. Hunter eyed some of the empty stools to the far left of the bar and decided that was where he would spend his evening.

While most people had to use the counter to pull themselves onto the stool, Hunter easily lowered himself onto the seat, his height making the motion effortless. He took another moment to survey the bar and its patrons as he shrugged out of his suit jacket, revealing the well-fitted vest underneath. Hunter had just placed the jacket over his knee when a bartender came in front of him.

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