Chapter 6

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The next morning, Kyungjun awoke to the haunting siren, a grim reminder of the mafia's ruthless spree. The cold reality hit him hard as the announcement listed the names of citizens and detailed the heinous deeds committed by the mafia. Wooram had faced execution with the most votes, but the cost was high—Seungbin and Jinha, Kyungjun's closest friends, had fallen victim to the mafia's brutality.

Overwhelmed with grief, Kyungjun couldn't contain his emotions. Tears streamed down his face as he grappled with the shock and loss. Yoonseo, understanding the depth of his pain, gently placed her hands over his shoulders and held his trembling hands, offering what little comfort she could amidst the chaos.

Junhee, Seeun, and Jungwon exchanged solemn glances before silently deciding to give Kyungjun and Yoonseo the space they needed to mourn. It was an unusual sight—Kyungjun, known for his tough exterior and anger issues, breaking down in vulnerability. Yet, in that moment, the friends surrounding him understood the magnitude of his loss.

The air in the room became heavy with sorrow, a silent acknowledgment of the irreplaceable void left by Seungbin and Jinha's untimely demise. As Kyungjun wept for his friends, the others respected the somber atmosphere, grappling with the harsh reality that their once seemingly invincible group had been shattered by the merciless hands of the mafia.

The room was heavy with the remnants of sorrow as Kyungjun took a deep breath, attempting to regain composure. Yoonseo, sitting beside him, offered a caring inquiry about his well-being. Kyungjun managed a nod, grateful for her presence during his vulnerable moment.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice still tinged with grief.

Yoonseo's eyes softened, "You don't need to thank me. But, Kyungjun, you shouldn't face this alone. You need someone by your side."

She extended an invitation, urging him to join their group. The idea of being alone without Seungbin and Jinha felt like a daunting prospect, yet Kyungjun, with a sense of stubborn pride, initially rejected the offer.

"I'll be fine on my own," he asserted.

Yoonseo, however, wasn't ready to accept that response. She expressed genuine concern, emphasizing that navigating this treacherous game alone could make him an easy target for the mafia. With a gentle touch, she placed her hands over his, a silent plea for him to reconsider.

"Kyungjun, please. We can help each other through this. Don't isolate yourself," Yoonseo implored.

Breaking eye contact, Kyungjun withdrew his hands, standing up as if to physically distance himself from the conversation. "I said I'll be fine. I don't need anyone."

Yoonseo's worry deepened, recognizing the danger in Kyungjun's insistence on solitude. She persisted, "But we don't want anything to happen to you. Please join us, Kyungjun. Trust me. Together, we're stronger."

After a moment of contemplation, Kyungjun sighed, relenting, "Fine, I'll join your group. But don't expect me to follow your orders. I'll do what I want, when I want."

Yoonseo nodded, accepting the compromise. It wasn't about control; it was about ensuring Kyungjun wasn't left vulnerable. She understood that his independence was a part of him, and as long as he wasn't alone, she was willing to let him make his own decisions. The group dynamics shifted, and in that moment, they formed a fragile alliance, each member navigating the complexities of the dangerous game in their own way.

Outside, Jungwon and Seeun expressed their disbelief in Yoonseo's decision to include Kyungjun in their group, citing concerns about his anger issues and decision-making skills. They believed he could cause problems for them, just as he did in the previous round.

Jungwon: "I still can't believe this Yoonseo, you just made Kyungjun a part of our group. He's got those anger issues, and you know how he can't make a good decision. Last time was a mess."

Seeun: "Yeah, I agree. It feels like he could just bring more problems for us."

Yoonseo, however, defended Kyungjun, emphasizing that it would be dangerous for him to be left alone without Seungbin and Jinha, who had tragically lost their lives.

Yoonseo: "I understand your concerns about Kyungjun, but leaving him alone right now is even riskier and he just lost Seungbin and Jinha. He's vulnerable and emotionally shattered. Being alone might make him an easy target, not just for the mafia but even for other classmates. We can't let that happen."

Junhee raised the question of what would happen if Kyungjun did something they didn't agree with.

Junhee: "What if Kyungjun decides to do something we totally disagree with? This could backfire on us."

Yoonseo assured them that she would try to change Kyungjun's mind, steering him away from actions that might make them appear suspicious.

Yoonseo: "If that happens, I'll go talk to him. I'll try to change his mind so he won't do anything that makes us all look suspicious."

Meanwhile, Kyungjun had been listening to their conversation from the sidelines. He stepped forward, acknowledging that they didn't want him in the group and that they didn't like him. However, he emphasized that he had joined because Yoonseo had asked him to, and he wouldn't change his mind now.

Kyungjun made it clear that if he wanted to take a risky action that might make others think he and the group were mafia, he wouldn't involve them. He was determined to find out who the mafia members were and execute them, even if it meant taking extreme measures.

Kyungjun: Look, I know you guys don't want me in the group, and you probably don't like me. But I joined because Yoonseo asked me to. I'm not changing my mind now. If I decide to do something that makes others think I'm the mafia, I won't drag you all down with me. I'll do whatever it takes to find out who the mafia is and execute them. I won't hesitate to kill if needed.

As he walked away, Junhee, Seeun, and Jungwon were left looking at Yoonseo in disbelief. Kyungjun's bold declaration had left them unsettled.

Junhee: "What if Kyungjun decides to turn on us and kills us?."

Seeun: (nervously) "Yoonseo, what have you done?."

Yoonseo rolled her eyes at their concerns, stating that Kyungjun wouldn't harm them if they weren't mafia. She advised them to act like citizens and not provoke him.

Yoonseo: (rolls her eyes) "He won't harm us if we're not the mafia. Just act like citizens, and don't provoke him."

Yoonseo walked away, following Kyungjun, leaving the three of them exchanging glances before sighing and reluctantly following suit. The dynamics of their group had just taken an unpredictable turn.

Hello to my reader hopefully after reading please leave a comment so that I know if you guys enjoyed my story or not 😔 I would be happy to read your comment so I could get energy to continue my story 😉 thank you for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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