Chapter 1

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The rhythmic hum of the bus wheels created a subtle melody as the 2nd-grade students of Yooil High School embarked on a mysterious field trip. The air inside the bus buzzed with a mix of excitement, laughter, and anticipation. Yoonseo, unable to find solace in the midst of the lively atmosphere, observed her classmates engaged in various activities. At the back, there was a group playing games, their enthusiasm echoing through the bus, while others found comfort in the embrace of sleep or the company of music.

As Yoonseo's eyes traversed the bus, they fell upon the heartwarming scene of her best friends, Kim Jun Hee and Park Se Eun, sharing earphones with eyes closed, immersed in a world of shared melodies. A soft smile adorned Yoonseo's face, witnessing the happiness born out of their confessed feelings from a year ago. Despite harboring her own feelings for Jun Hee, she found joy in their happiness.

However, her attention shifted to an intriguing figure – Kyung Jun, the notorious bad boy who lay seemingly asleep. Yoonseo couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt toward him, despite her attempts to stifle her unspoken crush. The perceived differences between them lingered in her mind, a barrier she thought insurmountable.

Yoonseo continued to steal glances at Kyungjun, losing herself in the rhythm of his peaceful slumber. Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted by her observant friend, Jungwon, who sat beside her. Caught red-handed, Yoonseo feigned innocence, denying any knowledge of staring at Kyungjun.

Jungwon: " Yoonseo, seriously, stop staring at Kyung Jun. You're going to get caught."

Yoonseo: (pretending innocence) "Staring? I have no idea what you're talking about, Jungwon."

Jungwon, however, saw through the act and playfully suggested that Kyungjun might be oblivious to Yoonseo's lingering feelings. Despite a conscious effort to move on from her crush since Junhee and Seeun became an item a year ago, Kyungjun's presence continued to captivate her.

Jungwon: (smirking) "Don't play dumb with me. I saw you looking at Kyung Jun. Do you still have that crush on him?."

Yoonseo: (blushing) "What? No! I mean, it's been a year since Junhee and Seeun started dating. I'm over it."

Jungwon: (teasing) "Well, it doesn't look like it. Kyung Jun might not even know about your crush. You should do something about it before the secret's out."

Yoonseo: (nervously) "No way! I don't want him to know. I've tried to forget it, but he just... I don't know."

Jungwon: (smiling) "Maybe it's time to revisit those feelings. Look at him sleeping so peacefully. The heart wants what it wants, Yoonseo."

Yoonseo: (sighing) "Yeah, you might be right. But let's keep this between us, okay."

Jungwon: "Alright, whatever you said. Just don't come to me and cry when someone asks him out."

Yoonseo: "Oh come on, every girl is scared of him because of his anger issues even if he's attractive."

Jungwon: "You're right, and yet you're the only one who doesn't seem to be scared of his anger issues. He's really scary when he gets mad."

Yoonseo: "I believe he might have a reason why he's always mad at everything and bullies people whenever he wants."

Jungwon: "Okay, you're defending him again, and I don't want to hear it. Save it for yourself."

Yoonseo: "Okay fine."

The bus continued its journey, the hum of chatter and occasional laughter filling the air. Yoonseo's gaze lingered on Kyungjun for a moment longer, her thoughts dancing with the memories of her past crush on him. Jungwon, noticing Yoonseo's lingering gaze and sigh, couldn't resist a teasing smile.

Jungwon: (smirking) "Oh, Yoonseo, is someone still on your mind?."

Yoonseo: (blushing) "What? No, it's nothing."

Jungwon: "Come on, I've known you for years. That sigh just now, and the way you were staring at Kyungjun – classic signs."

Yoonseo: (defensive) "I was not staring at him. And even if I was, it doesn't mean anything."

Jungwon: (teasing) "Sure, sure. I won't spill your secret crush to everyone. But it's written all over your face."

Yoonseo: "Stop it, Jungwon. Seriously."

Jungwon: (smiling) "Alright, alright. Your secret is safe with me... for now."

Yoonseo: (rolling her eyes) "Just focus on the trip, will you?."

Jungwon just smile teasingly at her

Yoonseo rolled her eyes, still blushing, and tried to focus on something else, but her thoughts involuntarily drifted back to Kyungjun, leaving her in a state of silent contemplation for the remainder of the bus journey.

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