Chapter 5

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The passage of time felt like an eternity for Yoonseo as she anxiously awaited Kyungjun's return. Sleep eluded her, her mind consumed by worry and fear for Kyungjun's safety. The possibility that one of the volunteers might be a mafia member haunted her thoughts, and the implications were chilling – a citizen's life at stake without anyone realizing.

Jungwon and Seeun, perceptive to Yoonseo's concerns, attempted to comfort her. They assured her that Kyungjun was more than capable of taking care of himself. Yoonseo, however, couldn't shake off the unease, pointing out that not everyone held favorable opinions about Kyungjun, and his intimidating aura could make him a potential target for the mafia. Seeun remained optimistic, insisting that Kyungjun would return unharmed in a few hours. Yoonseo clung to hope and prayer in those tense moments.

Jungwon: "Yoonseo, try not to worry too much. Kyungjun is smart and can handle himself well."

Seeun: "Absolutely, he's got that tough exterior. The mafia won't stand a chance."

Yoonseo: "I understand, but not everyone sees him the way we do. His intimidating vibe might make him a target."

Jungwon: "True, but he's also the class president. People might think twice before messing with him."

Seeun: "And he's resourceful. I'm sure they'll find a way out and be back soon."

Yoonseo: "I can't shake this feeling. What if someone takes advantage of the situation?."

Seeun: "Yoonseo, Kyungjun will be fine. Trust me. They'll all return in a few hours."

Yoonseo: "I really hope so. Let's just pray for their safety."

Meanwhile, Kyungjun's team faced a shocking turn of events. Donghyun, one of the volunteers, tragically fell and crossed the line, taking his own life. The group was thrown into disarray, grappling with the shock of the unexpected loss. Somi, unusually composed, suggested they retreat, acknowledging the grim reality that there was no apparent way out.

Unseen by the others, Somi held a dark secret – she had let go of Donghyun's hands, a revelation concealed in the shadows as the group grappled with the harsh truth of their circumstances

The atmosphere was heavy with tension as Kyungjun's team returned, the group eagerly seeking answers about Donghyun's execution. The revelation that Donghyun was a citizen, meeting his end by falling and crossing the line, sent a wave of shock through the gathered students. Questions about potential escape routes filled the air, but Kyungjun, burdened by the harsh truth, somberly declared that there was no way out. Panic spread among the group, with suggestions and pleas for a solution echoing, but Kyungjun's commanding shout demanded silence.

Kyungjun: "Everyone, settle down. I know you have questions, but let me explain."

Yoonseo : "Kyungjun, what happened to Donghyun? Why was he executed?."

Kyungjun: (sighs) "Donghyun was a citizen. He fell and crossed the line. It was a tragic accident."

Jinha: "But why did he fall?."

Kyungjun: We were exploring potential escape routes. It's dangerous up there.

Seeun : "Escape routes? Are there ways out of here?."

Kyungjun: (grimly) "No. There's no way out. We're stuck here."

Seungbin: "Stuck? What do you mean, stuck?."

Kyungjun: There's no easy way to put it. We're in this together, and we have no choice but to play this Mafia game.

Jisoo : "This can't be happening!."

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