Chapter 4

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The sudden influx of notifications on every student's phone added an unexpected thrill to their day. Unknown apps appeared mysteriously, announcing a Mafia game. The students, captivated by the idea, eagerly engaged, ready to unravel the mysteries within the game. The rules were simple: the Citizen team and the Mafia team would compete, and the victorious team would conclude the game.

Votes were cast, suspicions arose, and some eyes turned towards Heo Yul as a potential Mafia member. The excitement intensified as the game unfolded.

Meanwhile, Yoonseo, Jungwon, Junhee, and Seeun found themselves searching for their missing teacher or anyone else in the seemingly deserted building. Their curiosity grew as they encountered an eerie emptiness.

Yoonseo, deciding to use the restroom, assured her friends that she would be fine alone. Little did she know, a birthday celebration awaited her return. Somi, Yoojoon, Jisoo, and Wooram surprised her, attempting to lift her spirits. However, the festive atmosphere took a dark turn when Somi, wearing an evil smirk, pushed Yoonseo into the water.

Struggling to swim, Yoonseo found herself in distress. Panic set in as Somi and her friends debated who should rescue her. In an unexpected twist, Kyungjun arrived on the scene, jumping into the water to save Yoonseo from drowning. With a stern expression, he pulled her out and directed others to help him carry her to the infirmary.

As Kyungjun carried Yoonseo bridal style, he warned Somi and the others of impending consequences for their actions. Fear and worry gripped the culprits as they contemplated the repercussions of Kyungjun's punishment. Meanwhile, Junhee, Seeun, and Jungwon, witnessing the unusual events, rushed to Kyungjun's side, concerned for Yoonseo and eager to unravel the mystery of the chaotic situation.

Yoonseo slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in the infirmary surrounded by Junhee, Seeun, and Jungwon. They helped her sit up, and she noticed she was wearing a slightly damp white collar t-shirt and skirt. Confused, she asked what had happened.

Seeun: "Do you remember anything?."

Yoonseo recalled Somi pushing her into the water and feeling like someone had helped her. Grateful, she initially thought it was Junhee, but he denied it. Confused, she questioned them, and they exchanged knowing looks before Jungwon mentioned Kyungjun.

Jungwon: "Maybe Kyungjun isn't as bad as we thought."

Yoonseo was puzzled by the sudden mention of Kyungjun. Seeun and Junhee explained that Kyungjun had jumped into the water to save her. This revelation left Yoonseo surprised and confused about Kyungjun's actions, realizing he might care more than she thought.

The infirmary door opened, revealing Kyungjun with the culprits behind him. He gave them a stern look, and they apologized to Yoonseo, who rolled her eyes at Somi's dramatic display. Kyungjun nodded at Yoonseo before dealing with the others.

After the apologies, Junhee, Jungwon, and Seeun teased Yoonseo again. Their laughter was interrupted by a notification prompting them to vote for the Mafia. They chose Heo Yul and they prepared to leave the infirmary.

Jungwon expressed her disbelief at Yoonseo's forgiveness, especially towards Somi, but Yoonseo simply wanted to avoid a fight. They shared a moment of laughter when a voice through the speaker announced the voting results. Suddenly, Heo Yul screamed, exhibiting alarming behavior. Panic ensued as he ran towards the glass picture.

In the chaos, Kyungjun swiftly pulled Yoonseo to safety, and Heo Yul's actions became increasingly erratic. Eventually, he broke through a glass mirror and fell from the building. The music played, and everyone fainted in horror, the mysterious events taking a dark turn.

Night Has Come (Kyungjun x Yoonseo) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant