13. Daniel/Freya

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- Daniel -

So Jo had the greatest idea to invite our friends; Lance, my close friend, Dion, Dre and his girlfriend Savannah to release some of the tension in the home, when in fact it's only making it worse. I'm sitting in the loveseat, Lance and Jo are sat on the white fluffy rug on the opposite end of the coffee table which is covered in snacks and drinks. Dre and Savannah are cuddled up on the couch. Rey is on her knees, her peachy ass in my face as she reaches for the bowl of cherries, something she had been craving today, then leaned against the loveseat. She's wearing an oversized black t-shirt that cuts off just above her knees and nothing else. Her bare legs exposed, the t-shirt is doing the bare minimum to hide the outline of her thong. I felt my jeans tighten at the thought of biting that peachy ass of hers but I take a deep breath and shake that image away. To distract myself, my fingers play with her soft hair but it doesn't last long because the vision of me yanking it back whilst I take her from behind flashes in my mind and I let go. She turns back to look at me and I give her a tight smile, she returns a sweet one back. After Colby pulled me aside yesterday to give me his blessing to be with Rey, I have felt the urge to ask her out and tell her that I wanna be with her. Pregnant and all, I am ready to begin this new chapter with her.
"Alright, Dre what's been your embarrassing moment?" Lance swallowed his shot and asked Dre.
"God, where do I begin? There was this one freshers party that I got so drunk at, I somehow ended up in just my boxers, a raging hard on caused by a viagra pill I'd been spiked with and sang Michael Bolton, How Am I Supposed To Live Without You on the pool table." He covered his face and I almost spat my drink out at the memory.
"Oh my god, I remember that! There's a video somewhere, wait." I pull my phone out and try and find the video in my cloud.
"Don't you dare! Savannah, baby, this was well before you met me okay? You can't break up with me because of this." He practically begs. She laughs at how ridiculous he's being and kisses him.
"I've seen that video, Dre. When we started dating, I showed one of my girls a picture of you and she showed it to me. This video was apparently viral for weeks. If that didn't give me the ick, I don't think there is anything else that will." She smiles and Dre covered his face with a groan.
"How the fuck do girls find these things!?" He questioned, making us laugh.
"Right, Dion tell us what's a core memory you've had?" Rey asks him. Dion is just a little bit more drunk than any of us right now, apparently his on and off girlfriend was two timing him with his cousin so he's drowning his sorrows.
"Core memory?" He asks and hums like he's thinking. We're going to be here a while, he's not in his right mind. "Oh my fucking god, back in high school this bellend was like Rocky the way he sorted that prick, what's his name out." He snapped his fingers and looked at me. I felt the blood drain from my face as the memory I've kept buried for over ten years begins to resurface. He swore he would never tell anyone especially Rey. Alcohol really is a bitch of a truth serum huh.
"Dion, I think you've had a bit too much to drink, mate. I would remember something like that." I laugh, hoping he will move on or at least catch on to what I'm saying.
"What happened?" Jo asked after she noticed how I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
"Nah, I remember it perfectly. Freya, the guy that used to bully you, what was his name?" He asked.
"Jonah?" She asked and I see her shoulders tense up. Fucking Dion, shut the fuck up!
"Dion." I warn but I may as well be talking to a brick wall.
"Yeah Jonah! He was apparently planning something against you and even though the teachers knew about it they didn't do anything besides talk to him. He managed to convince them that people were chatting shit and they let him go. So Rocky over here found him and sorted him out." He pointed at me.
"Dion." I warned again but he wasn't listening.
"What did you do?" Rey turned to me and asked.
"Nothing." I mumbled.
"Bro, he kept running his mouth about Freya so Danny boy beat the fucking shit out of him. He was a beast, I'm talking mashed his face up to a point he was unconscious and unrecognisable. We didn't see that kid ever again, word was that he left. Dan got suspended that whole week. Freya he defended your honor!" He pretended to joust with an imaginary foil.
The room fell silent and the room suddenly felt too small.
"Danny." Rey whispered and I can see the shock on her face. I never wanted her to find out because I didn't want her to see me differently, like I am a monster who can't control his anger so to avoid addressing the subject and realising how I messed up, I stood up and left the room. "Danny!" She calls after me again and I ignore her. I can't be in the same room as her right now.

- Freya -

How could he have kept this from me? What did he think I was gonna say? Yes what he did was wrong but I can't say Jonah didn't deserve it. He was an asshole to me for weeks. I stood up for myself most of the time but there were times where he'd be so hurtful it was hard to ignore. I don't know what I ever did to Jonah for him to treat me the way he did but he made sure I was miserable when he was around. I only wish it was me that had the guts to knock him out rather than Danny.
"I fucked up, you weren't supposed to know that." Dion apologised to me, a hand over his mouth as if he's trying to stop anything else from slipping out. I stood up off the floor and follow him.
As I walk out the room and over to Danny's, scenes of Danny sweaty, bloody and pounding Jonah's face in plays in my mind. He's a beast with such precision, power and my god do I wanna fuck him.
My mum told me to stop wasting anymore time and just put us both out of our misery so that is what I'm going to do.


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- SasMaster145, 14.01.2024

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