Prologue: Freya

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Summer, 2011

"Rey, they're not going to say yes. Please just forget the tux and let's go get something to eat." My best friend, Danny said. I heard what he was saying but his eyes and the faltering fake smile told me he was disappointed.
I've known Daniel Foster for almost 9 years and I knew him better than he knew himself. He was 6ft, has beautiful dark brown hair that felt soft when you'd run your fingers through it to ruffle it when he does something so selfless or when he's shy and his cheeks go slightly red. It always caused those beautiful dimples pop out.
He has lushes lashes that frame his piercing green eyes with specs of blue that made you feel like you were getting lost at sea in Seychelles.
His lips are full, soft and when he spoke you couldn't help but watch them move.
We were both 16 years old and he had a baby face and I just knew that when he got older he was going to be devastatingly gorgeous.
He had a swimmers body because he was in the triathlon club. He was toned but I knew his gym goal was to have more muscles rather than just be toned and lean.
His voice only broke three years ago and it was like velvet vibrating against your skin as you run your fingers on it. It wasn't that deep yet but again, it was a voice of a future panty dropper.
Like a child he still had his stuffed Tatty Ted (Me to You) I gifted him for his 8th birthday that matched mine. I was only 8 and I didn't know what to get him and I loved my Tatty Ted that my mother gifted me when I was in hospital for a few days after cutting my right inner thigh on a fence. I still have the scar there. She was upset that we had trespassed into the woods that were about five miles from where we live. The woods had a lot of ditches that were easy to miss and could get seriously hurt. But we had a secret spot there that we got away with going to until I cut my thigh.
Danny didn't talk to me for a week because he felt guilty. He only started speaking to me again when I brought out my new skateboard on our front yard, luring him outside to play with me.
When he lies he curls his left hand into a fist and doesn't release it until he has stopped lying. He does it every time I try baking something. He would tell me he loved what I made but I should only ever make them for him otherwise he will get jealous and green doesn't look good on him. I knew they sucked and you almost lose a tooth with how hard they are sometimes but baking was a good stress reliever and knowing he would eat them regardless meant a lot to me. And sometimes I make them when he's pissed me the fuck off just to mess with him. And every time he would tell me they were getting better, I would see his fist on his lap. Exactly like he's doing now, he not so discreetly shoved his balled up fist in his leather jacket and lied to my face about prom.
We'd been arguing for the past five minutes about him buying a tux for the prom but he is convinced his parents were going to say no like all the other times we had parties throughout the year. But on at least three occasions I had managed to get a yes out of them. And I was going to use my power of persuasion on them again when we had got back.
His parents were quite strict and for a good reason I guess. They had another son, Trevor. They didn't have all these restrictions in place, he had the freedom but he fell into the wrong crowd, ending up in prison for armed robbery. I guess his parents are scared the same will happen with Danny. But I still feel their restrictions were only preventing Danny from living and gaining any experiences.
"Fine. Can you find us a seat at Burger King?" I asked and put the suit back on the rack.
"And why aren't you coming with me?" He asked with suspicion.
"Because I am going to the lingerie section, Mr Clingy." I whisper yelled. You would think this was an embarrassing conversation but nope. Reason being, a year ago, his parents had gone away on a business trip for a week and it was in the middle of exam season and my parents offered for him to stay with us. My mum made me do his laundry as well as give up my bed so he could sleep in it. I had to sleep at the bay window which I had fallen asleep at many times whilst reading.
"Let me come with you- what? There might be a cute girl there waiting for me." He grinned and began following me.
"Danny, go get our seats!" I snapped and pointed towards the exit. He laughed to himself, the sound that never failed to get a smile plastered on my face. He finally left and I picked out a charcoal black tux in his size for the prom. I pay for it on my credit card and hang it in the same suit bag as my dress so he doesn't know.
I walked in to Burger King and scanned the seating area for Danny. I spotted him sat down at a corner booth and I was about to walk over to him but I seen a blonde sitting in front of him. Focusing in on her, I'd recognized it was Libby Garcia. She was one of the most beautiful and smartest girls in school, and annoyingly the nicest person ever. I'd be lying if I said they didn't look good together.
Libby laughed at something he had said and gave his forearm a slight squeeze. She stood up and moved her hand up his arm and said something to him before leaving. As she walked towards the exit she noticed me. A smile took over her lips as she waved, "Freya! How are you? Are you shopping for prom?" She asked whilst giving me a quick hug.
"Yes actually. I had to pick up the dress I ordered. Have you got yours?" I asked.
"Oh I got mine weeks ago. I just had a shoes malfunction and needed to get a new pair but I am not having any luck so you know, I'm not panicking or anything." She laughed nervously.
"Well I hope you find what you're looking for, I know last minute shopping is not ideal but there's bound to be a blip somewhere right?" I grinned and she nodded her head in agreement. "Good luck finding what you need, I'll see you later at prom?" I asked. She agreed and said bye whilst we walked in opposite directions.
I sat down at the table and Danny drew his attention away from his phone.
"What did Libby want?" I asked excitedly.
"She asked me to prom actually." He smiled like a boy with a crush.
"Oh my god, did you say yes? Please say you did?" I pleaded.
"No I didn't because I'm not going." He sighed and slumped in his seat. "Ugh, I have never been so pissed with my parents. I've had a crush on Libby for forever and the fact that she asked me to prom says she might like me back right?" His eyes pleaded for me to agree and I could feel the determination to convince his parents to let him go rise.
"Girls go to prom with guys they're interested in so yes she's interested in you." I confirmed.
"Speaking of, are you going with anyone?" He asked, leaning his forearms on the table. The answer was no. No one had asked me and I'd not been interested in anyone to ask. My feelings were very conflicted when it came to how this made me feel.
"Actually no, I'm meeting Kyra there." I nodded and grabbed the menu. "I'm starving, shall we order?" I asked, happy my mind could focus on something else.

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