6. Freya

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It's been four days since Danny and I last spoke and I have spent this morning building up the courage to speak to him and apologise for not calling him. It seems guilt finally invaded my emotions last night which resulted in tossing and turning throughout the night. The last time I seen him this upset was when his so called friend back in high school asked Davina out knowing full well Danny had been crushing on her like crazy. He gave him the silent treatment until they both drifted apart. And somethings never change because he's been avoiding me, everytime I go to speak to him, he has to leave because he has plans to see his friends or has an errand to run. He's been doing this for the past four days.
I can't imagine how me not calling him has caused him to overreact like this. Something else must have happened and I wish he would just talk to me.

Jo and I were getting ready to watch Malignant but first, food! We decided on pizza and Jo is rumaging around our drawer filled with menus.

"Has he said anything to you?" I asked, eating the last of the Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. I've been doing this a lot lately, binge eating as if my body is not going to put on weight. I must be starting my period soon.
"Not really but we both know he is such a drama queen. He'll be fine in a few days." Jo rolls her eyes and pulls out the Pizza Parlour menu. She's not wrong, he usually has a set duration for when he's upset like this, two weeks max.


"Mmmm, whoever created the idea of pizza deserves the world." I moan, pulling the pizza away from my mouth as the cheese stretched between the pizza and my mouth. I use my tongue to gather the cheese into my mouth, I can feel eyes on me making me pause and look at my friends who were cringing.
"Isn't your tongue tired from the weekend?" Jo winked and I rolled my eyes.
I swallow down my food before I answer, "No, if your tongue is still tired four days later you're obviously not good at it." I grin and take another bite.
"I'm going to my room." Danny huffed and left, taking his plate and drink with him.
"I know we had a deal but I have to say something." Jo pleaded.
"What?" I decide to enlighten her.
"I really think he's jealous and this feeling is new for him." She explains. I feel nervous butterflies in my stomach react to her explanation but I don't want to believe it. Instead of speculation, I would rather hear it from him. Obviously, he has to tell me whatever is bothering him when he is ready. Him being in the same room as me for as long as he had just now was a step up from the consistent absence from him.
"Jo, I appreciate your concern but he needs to voice his feelings on his own. I don't want to overthink or get the wrong idea. You understand, right?" I know I sound indenial but in order to protect my heart I have to.
"Fine. I just want you both to be happy, Freya." She smiles sympathetically. I nod in appreciation and continue eating.

For the next few days this is how it was. Jo and I mostly eating together alone. Danny was off doing his own thing and it was becoming harder and harder to deal with him not being around. I hate this. I hate not being able to talk to him or hug him when I'm feeling low. Or comfort him when I know something is wrong. He won't let me and the fact that I have stepped away and stopped trying is going to make him think I have given up. I've been trying for just over a week. I am a patient person but this is really pushing it. I shouldn't need to feel bad about the one night where I decided to be selfish. So instead of chasing him, I'm going to focus on myself until he can be an adult and talk to me.
As my first act of appreciating myself, I'm going shopping. A little retail therapy is all I need. I message our group chat to let them know where I'll be. Don't want Danny to freak out again.

When I get into the shopping centre, it's pretty quiet for a Wednesday. It is a work day to be fair. Fortunately for me I had a half day today so I can enjoy the rest of my day with ease.
No one was home when I got back as they were still at work. I put all my new clothes and skin care products away. The clothes I bought were for different occasions, one for the Law Ball, a night out, office wear and home wear. The ball gown I bought is hidden away in a suit bag to keep it a surprise. Initially I wanted something that showed off my curves but a gown that flowed around me was speaking to me. It is in three months so I had time to change it if I wanted.
My food arrived shortly after I finished washing up the breakfast dishes that were left over from this morning. I put Netflix on and continued watching Power. I need a little Tommy Egan in my life right now.
My stomach started to feel a little weird as I sat here. I changed positions to see if that would help but it seemed to make it worse. Suddenly I felt a pressure in my stomach, threatening to push everything I just ate back out. Fuck. I ran to my bathroom and stood over the toilet making the most disgusting gagging noises as I waited for the final blow. Before I knew it everything I had ate today came pouring out of me.
I flushed the toilet and sat back against the shower screen trying to catch my breath. What the fuck?
I clean myself up and change my clothes into something more loose and comfortable then head back to the lounge to throw my food away. I don't know what just caused that but I am not taking any chances.
I grab a glass of water and continue watching Power until Jo or Danny get home.

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