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 Our life and love wasn't the cleanestWe had battles butWe were meant

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Our life and love wasn't the cleanest
We had battles but
We were meant...
The right person at the wrong time.

The right person at the wrong time

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A beautiful winter day. Someone who was 14 and another 13. "I like you a lot I did since I first met you. You were no you are The light in the darkness. The sun to my... you are everything just the way you laugh your looks your personality everything I have no idea what to say or do but." He handed the girl her favorite snack and a necklace she'd been talking about how she wanted for months now. "[Y/N] I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" In his mind, he wanted to say love but was scared. The female stood in shock. He confessed to her that a beautiful field of cherry blossoms one of her favorites surrounded the two. Tears not of sadness but happiness fill her eyes. "Yes- yes, Haruo." She said with a huge smile and hugged him. The girl kissed his cheek and he only kissed her forehead.

The days and months passed. [N/N] whose family approved. The whole gang knew the two also ended up together. Everyone expected this. The two were always acting like a couple. Though many others slowly caught feeling or also had for [Y/N] Haruo confessed first. One who knew so much about [Y/N] that she told him everything stuff she couldn't even tell Reyuri. They had known each other for so long.

It was a year later the two started to date on Valentine's Day. This was their 1st anniversary. The two went out on a beautiful date. Words can't describe but it was all so perfect. Then at the end of the night, they shared a kiss. The two first kiss. Each other's first kiss. They wouldn't want it either way.

Time skip to another year later. Haruo was so happy to see [Y/N] once more. He knew she's been kinda worried a bit. He didn't fully know why and no one fully knew about her father. Everyone was told he was out on a trip for Chisuke overseas yet that's far from the truth. He was missing some thought dead. Well ended up he being marked as dead. No one knew. Haruo did figure out it was related to her dad once he went over a few times noticing how down her mood was when he slightly tried to ask if she spoke to him. He picked to drop it. The day he waited for her. The thing is once she showed up her makeup was a mess. She was a mess. He ran up to her and hugged her. The girl sobs into his chest. "Let it out." He softly strokes her hair. "You can tell me anything. Well also if you don't wish to tell me you don't have to." He smiled softly looking down at her. The male wiped away tears even though her makeup was now a mess from her tears she was still and always Pretty to him. He crouches down to her height. The female only kissed him and he did the same in return. [N/N] quickly pulled away.

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