Coward To Wake

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I am in a world
Where stories of peace were once told
When time envied it and sold
What people can't be able to hold

I was a human full of emptiness
But now, I'm controlling my own dream
Moving my hands, feets with awareness
At a vast, shining realm

What am I gazing?
A world that seems alive and moving
The last time I know I was sleeping
'til the opening of my eyes, hoping

Hoping to get out of the real world
Hoping to get out of the unending cold
Inside my heart, feeling ennui
The rise and fall of my life, I can see

Now, my dreams came true
I am nowhere mentally to be seen
I am in a place I have no clue
In a place unforeseen

The falling of the maple leaves
Sliding through a soft, moist breeze
And the droplets I can be able to stop
And the choice to resume its drop

I walk in a further distance
Wearing a confident but comfy stance
A formidable mountain which attracted me
As the fog slowly covered the peak entirely

What a peaceful world I dream
I wonder what universe I came
And if ever there are people who felt the same
With me, in this place, it would be a great dreamer team

But, it seems like I'm all alone
Nothing to share of with the beauty here
Whenever the sky becomes clear
And whenever the sun shone

I'm all alone
All alone
I hope this paper, someone can hear my tone
And know my presence with a place unknown

Though, I don't like you to save me
I want someone who'll join me
Dreaming here, nothing to be afraid of
Unlike in a real world of danger, so tough

I may be alone and lonely
Even so, from the dark, I am free
There might be someone who is worried
With my body being paled

Forgive me for prioritizing my sake
I'm sorry, I am a coward to wake.

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