Coward To Cry

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A word that I would never do
It's a weak move and gives a cue
That you're a soft man, I think it's true

Within the society we're living
I guess everyone knows it's pretty common
The expecting and stereotyping
Of people among human being

Some people said it's a girlish thing to cry
Which I agree and can't deny
I mean why would a man cry?
A man is strong and brave, can't lie

I've always hate man who cries like a baby
They are just so girly, for me maybe?
That's why I always smile in front of people
As my happiness, in their hearts, ripple

Crying just shows how weak I am as a person
Every drop of tears was colored crimson
Emitted from the heart to the veins
Through the bloodline full of pain

I really hate crying
But why am I keep on telling?
That I hate this and that and everything?
Can I say something? There won't be denying
With this poem that I am writing
I'll write this with an ink that I DON'T HATE CRYING
For this word, I'm actually envying
Just don't let anyone knowing

I'm a man with might
Wearing this mask to deceive their sight
Of me being weak and boring
My favorite lie is smiling

As I mentioned earlier
I envy the word, "Cry"
A word that acts as a soul cleanser
A word that I can't render

The reason that I won't cry
Is because my brain was controlling me to do
So people won't judge me, I'll try
And I can't afford to be true

But little did I know
My brain may controlling my smile
However, my heart began to control my eyes
I see nothing but blur, can't see a single mile

Water began to spill from my eyes
No, what's happening?
Thank God, no one will see me like this
I was able to express the feeling of hopelessness

Even how much I control my eyes
My brain can't control it
It's like building water to the clouds
It's hard to stop it when it gets full

I've longed this feeling of crying
The feeling that it won't stop even if I'm trying
No one must see me like this
Only this pen and paper won't see my bliss
I'm a strong and brave man
I'll put this mask back again
Not because it's my will to smile and lie
But because I'm a coward to cry.

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