Imp Running With Demons

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6 hours earlier

Buck and Romeo were walking down one of the streets away from Dare's pod.

Buck: Are you sure you didn't hear anything from the rookie?

Romeo: Nothing. He's gone radio silent.

Buck: He's a mute right? Maybe that's why.

Romeo: The kid still makes noises. I would've heard a grunt or at least breathing.

Buck: Great. We're down 2 members.

Suddenly they see two marines run up to them.

Annie: You're ODST right?

Buck: We are. And how might you two be?

Devin: Sargeant first class Devin Martinez.

Annie: What did I tell you about being formal on the battlefield? I'm Annie.

Romeo: Why do you care about the ODST?

Annie: Our friend is one of them.

Buck: What's their name?

Devin: (y/n) (l/n).

Romeo: The rookie?

Annie: Your in his squad huh? Where is he?

Buck: I'm sorry but we haven't heard anything from him. We think he died.

Annie: What?!

Devin: How? I thought you were trained to survive any situation?

Romeo: His pod must not have survived the fall.

Annie began to feel a lump on her throat and felt like she was going to cry.

Annie: Damnit!

She collapsed to the ground and began to break down in tears.

Buck: Are you okay?

Annie: No! Our friend is dead and I didn't get a chance to tell tell him...

Devin: There's no way he's dead. Have you checked?

Buck: We didn't see where he landed.

Romeo: For all we know, the kid could've been pryed from his pod like an oyster.

Annie: What?!

Buck: Not the time Romeo!

Devin helped up Annie and she tried to stop herself from crying.

Buck: Where's your squad?

Devin: We're all that's left. Everyone else we were with are dead or got separated.

Buck: Well you should stay with us. We could always use the extra help.

Romeo: And calm down the girl.

Annie wiped the tears from her face and began to slowly compose herself.

Annie: I'm fine. Where do we go?

6 hours later

The rookie finished his staring and prepared himself.

(y/n): Let's keep going. I hope Ms. Navel intelligence had something useful.

He checked his map and saw he had another beacon.

(y/n): More of them? Maybe I can find out what happened here.

He looked at the closet beacon and marked it. He closed out his map and made his way to the door. Suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards him. He grabbed his SMG and readied a frag grenade. He carefully moved towards the edge of the wall and threw the grenade. The grenade was thrown back and (y/n) jumped away from the grenade blast.

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