Psych Evaluation

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(y/n) was in his barracks. He was lying on his bed listening to his music. Tapping his foot to the rhythm. Suddenly his friend Annie walked into his room. He paused his music and looked at his friend.

Annie: Hey (y/n). Time for your psych eval.

He gave her a thumbs up and got off his bed.

Annie: Say what were you listening too?

(y/n): Everlong.

Annie: Nice.

The two walked to the psychiatrist's office. The entire time, Annie was talking to (y/n) about her evaluation.

Annie: She said I had sociopathic tendencies. I mean she isn't wrong. Remember when we were kids and I... I'm sorry. I think I'm boring you.

He put a hand on her shoulder and signed her "it's fine".

Annie: Alright. You know what I like about you?

(y/n) shrugged his shoulders.

Annie: You always listen. Anyway, she said that even with those tendencies, I still passed. I think the UNSC is desperate for people.

They stopped at the office and put a hand on his shoulder.

Annie: Do you have your paper?

He took out a notepad and a pen.

Annie: Good. Don't be afraid to speak to her okay? I know you hate being forced to talk but it might help her.

(y/n) shook his head yes.

Annie: Good. We'll meet at the bar after you're done. Me and Devin will be waiting for you at the usual spot.

She walked away and (y/n) walked into the office.

Psychiatrist: Hello. Are you (y/n) (l/n)?

He shook his head yes.

Psychiatrist: Good. Have a seat.

He sat down across from her.

Psychiatrist: First, tell me your age.

He took out the notepad and uncapped the pen before he began to write.

(y/n): 26.

Psychiatrist: Do you know why you're here?

(y/n): I need to pass a psychological evaluation in order to become an official ODST.

Psychiatrist: Good. Now let's get started.

She looked at the clipboard.

Psychiatrist: First question, how did you enjoy school?

(y/n) began to write on a new page.

(y/n): It was fine. The best part was my friends. It was the few good parts of my day.

The psychiatrist began to write down his response.

Psychiatrist: Okay. Next question, how do you feel about being away from home?

He began to write quickly. Almost enthusiastic.

(y/n): It's the best. I feel free finally now that I'm away from my family.

She wrote down his response.

Psychiatrist: Most people are glad that they are independent but not like that. The next question might help you understand you more. How well do you get along with your family?

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