Chapter 20

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Denki and Katsuki run forward, planning to jump over the wall like Denki had previously. But the plan was that Midoriya and Todoroki would try to walk in through the main doors with some excuse of having forgotten their belongings.  

Denki jumps over the wall by himself with a newfound energy, almost falling face first onto the freshly mowed grass. "Bakugo- shit, faster please." Denki screams over the ringing noise against his ears. 

"I'm coming, don't worry. Keep going forward." Katsuki screams back, adjusting his sword as he runs, preparing himself for anyone, even the queen herself, to pop up from somewhere. No one could be trusted, even the servants could be on the queen's side! They had to be extremely careful. 

Denki runs to his chamber, thankfully without bumping into any servants or guards. He holds the door open for Katsuki, hissing at him to come faster. Katsuki slides inside, closing the door shut behind him. "Fuck okay, okay. We're good now. Sit down and take some rest. If someone comes, I'll make sure to find you another way around." Katsuki assures him. 

"Then... what would you do?" Denki whispers, taking deep breaths. He sits on his bed, unconsciously rocking himself to and fro in an attempt to calm himself down. 

"I'll fight them off," Katsuki says as if it was obvious, "You can escape before they kill me." 

Denki freezes, "The fuck? Are you stupid, Bakugo? You're not dying, trying to save me." Denki points at him, frowning in disbelief. 

"Of course I am, that's my job!" 

"Then what? You die and the assassin is killed. Another person would come to kill me, Bakugo. That's my life. You can't think by sacrificing yourself, you're doing me a favor or something. I will forever be her target." Denki tries to reason, watching as Katsuki opens his mouth but closes it again. 

"But, then what should we do?" Katsuki asks, slumping down on the floor against the door. 

"We kill her." 

"Kill who? The assassin? Obviously that's the goal, but like you said-" Katsuki gets cut off. 

"No, we kill the queen." Denki says, looking down at the floor with a newfound determination. 

"What?" Katsuki screams, then slaps his hand over his mouth, "Are you stupid? Killing the queen as if it's an easy thing?" He whisper yells. 

"Bakugo! You're father isn't here. I'm sure no one would be there to protect her. Even if the assassins were with her, their job is to kill me. Not protect her." Denki reasons with him, "It's the best way. Once she is killed we can frame it as the assassins who did that, since they're already here. And it's not like the people would care, they hate her." Denki continues, his tone progressively turning hopeful. 

"But- but what about you? There would be no one to protect you." 

"I would be fine Bakugo. I was to die someday or the other, it's fine. Let this be the one brave decision I took." Denki dryly chuckles, rubbing his hands off on his robes. 

"But then... the kingdom?" Katsuki tries, looking at him. 

"Midoriya is there. He would be a much better king that I could ever dream of, Bakugo. Besides, even if not, there's no point in having this kingdom, right? We've already been facing a pandemic, drought and crop failure. Let the people move away and have a better life. Maybe any neighbouring kingdom could take over ours, they can provide much better than I can." Denki wetly says, tears brimming his eyes. 

"Denki..." Bakugo whispers, walking towards where he was sat. "Don't say things like that. You would be an amazing king-" 

"There's no point in lying Bakugo! I would make a terrible king! I don't even know what my people are struggling with. Hell, I thought the drinking water you used was for pooping, do you see how messed up that is? Besides, I'm practically dead to them. And to top it all of, I'm fucking gay? They worst thing a royal family member could be." 

"That's- that's not true!" Bakugo tries to pathetically convince him. 

Denki lets out an exhasperated sigh, "Bakugo, you're homophobic. What do you mean that's not true?" 

"I've been, well. I've been thinking. On why I felt this way and why I was so against it. Then, I kinda talked to my mom about it? She told me I was stupid-" 

"Wait, you're mom is supportive of homosexuality?" 

"Apparently she was the one who set up Deku and Todoroki. So she's known for six years now." Bakugo immediately face palms, but he has a weird and fond smile on his face. "I was just brought up like that, you know? My dad worshipped the queen and her ideologies." 

"Oh, so it was your dad who grew you up like that? But how come your mom never talked about such things to you?" Denki questions, folding his knees to sit more comfortably. 

"I know what you're doing." Katsuki side-eyes him. "There's an assassin on their way to kill you, why are you so interested in my sob story?" 

"Because there's nothing better to do! It's my last few hours probably. I wanna know more about your personal life is all." Denki shrugs, putting every other thought in the back of his mind. 

Katsuki sighs, "They are divorced, Denki. I haven't seen my mom in almost 4 years now. She came to visit Deku's mom today and coincidentally we just met. But then I realised, I felt this way because I've been questioning it myself? In a way?" 

"You mean..." Denki trails off. 

"I like someone, yeah." Katsuki affirms. 

"And it's a boy?" Denki continues, drawling it out. 


"You have to tell me who it is now!" Denki almost screams, nagging him when Katsuki shakes his head no.  "Why not? I'm gonna die anyways, it's not like I'll get the chance to tell this boy." 

"Exactly," Katsuki murmers under his breath, but that goes unnoticed by Denki. He then speaks louder, "How about, you try your best to survive? If we both survive the day, I'll tell you who the boy is." 

"This isn't a joke, Bakugo. There's very less chance we would survive." Denki sighs sadly, rubbing his eyes. 

"Of course not. I promise to tell you if we both survive." 

But before Denki could answer, a knock is heard on the door. 

Author's note: 

It's been soooo long, I'm extremely sorry. I was in a huge writing slump and couldn't get anything done. Hopefully I can regularly update and finish this off! Only a couple chapters left, so stay tuned y'all! Thank you for reading!

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