Chapter 7

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Katsuki stays outside the hot bath. He was bloodied as well, and a few cuts needed some medical attention.

The king had managed to draw out some blood from Katsuki's neck, which wasn't life-threatening but 'better safe than sorry' was his policy.

However, something surprised him today. When Katsuki was first asked to work as the prince's bodyguard, his father had warned him.

According to his dad, Denki was a careless and sometimes ignorant person. When Masaru worked here, he had to protect Denki from even the silliest things. Like a bee, for example.

So when Denki was asked to speak with the princess, all that Katsuki had in his mind was 'what if'. He was convinced Denki couldn't protect himself.

Unfortunately, Katsuki couldn't witness the fight himself. He only saw Denki kill her. But he was interested in taking self-defense classes for the prince.

"Bakugo-" Denki starts as soon as he's out of the room with fresh clothes and as expected, lavender smell.

"Wait, you didn't change yet? Do you plan on walking around with blood stained clothes?" Denki cuts himself off and stares at Katsuki.

Katsuki did notice the sudden change in how he called him. Maybe he was not always in a playful mood as Katsuki expected.

"I figured I'll drop you at the dining before taking a break and going home, Your Highness. I don't carry around an extra set of clothes."

Denki mindlessly nods. "You could've just left. It's not like I need your protection every second."

Katsuki stays quiet.

Denki walks forward with a click of his tongue. With the suit now gone, Denki was back into comfortable clothes.

Unlike last time however, his cloak was missing. Without his cloak, Denki did walk better and faster, unlike when he usually trips a couple times every stride with it.

"Your Majesty." Katsuki immediately bows down when he sees the queen at the dinning. It was very unusual to see her, for she always preferred to do have her lunch at her throne.

Denki stands frozen, his eye darting over in panic. Not only was the queen at the dining, she was still in her bloodied clothes and did not look happy about it.

Denki knew this gaze very well. She was livid.

Denki excuses himself and walks away. He knows it's futile to even imagine a meal with the queen without her shoving stereotypes and expectations his way.

He'd rather starve than hear a selfish, murderous poor-excuse of a mother scold him for his preferences.

Katsuki stands conflicted for a minute before he scurries off behind Denki. "Your Highness, your meal-" but before he could finish his sentence, Denki dismisses him.

"Change your clothes and meet me here at about 4, Bakugo. We have better things to do." Denki's voice sounded different. It sounded empty, cold and rigid.

Katsuki could almost never imagine Denki to sound like that. It was unlike him.

"As your command, Your Highness." Katsuki mindlessly bows, walking away, still disturbed.

It was about 2 in the afternoon when Denki heard a knock at his door. He had been lounging on his bed, rested against the headboard, reading a book.

Whoever wanted to disturb him, could've absolutely found a better time than when he was both hungry and curious about the on-going plot twist of the book.

Denki swings open the door to find a tall male with bi-coloured hair. "Your Highness, I'm Shoto Todoroki. The General of our Army." He politely bows.

Denki stands awestruck before he hastily returns the respect with a kind smile. "It's nice to meet you, Todoroki. How do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well uh- this may be awkward. I was asked to deliver your meal." Todoroki says, moving away to show the food trolley behind him.

"Oh! Yes, thank you. May I ask who told you about this?" Denki's heart swells and his nose automatically sniffs at the pleasant smell.

"I believe your bodyguard reminded the cooks before his departure. Then the head maid asked me to deliever it to you, since they are still pretty occupied with the queen." Todoroki explains before excusing himself.

Denki stands awkwardly in his room before he grabs the plate and makes himself comfortable by the huge window at his room.

He climbs over the small window seat, careful with the hot plate in his hands and sits there comfortably.

It had been a while since Denki let himself enjoy freedom. The freedom of being by himself. Away from prying eyes. Away from others expectations.

It felt nice.

After finishing his food, Denki brings his knees closer to his chest, loosely wrapping his arms around them. He rests his head against the wall and rests his eyes.

Which is exactly how Katsuki found him about an hour later.

Katsuki had changed into his new clothes. A simple beige uniform and brown leather boots. His shirt was tucked in neatly into his loose pants.

Katsuki knocks the door thrice and tries calling out for Denki twice before he naturally opens the door. When the door immediately clicks open, Katsuki is surprised.

"Your Highness?" Katsuki calls out once again, growing at the lack of response. He does notice how the food tray was still in the middle of the room, with a juice glass and dessert untouched.

Katsuki fully pushes the door open, stepping in slowly. His eyes immediately dart towards the bed, which was empty. Then the study table that he was almost certain the prince never used, which was also empty.

Just as he's about to leave and search for the prince, Katsuki notices a silhouette figure by the window sill. Katsuki tip toes towards the window and sighs in relief.

Denki's head was uncomfortably rested against the wall, almost falling down due to his sleepiness. One of his legs hung down the window seat with his hand rested on them.

Denki let out small huffs of breathes and almost unnoticeable snores escaped his throat.

Katsuki softly smiles at the sight, contemplating wheather he should wake the prince up.

Author's note:
Hey guys, do interact with the story and let me know your thoughts. It always makes me happy.

Please don't forget to vote. It seriously makes a huge difference when I come back and know that someone's liked my writing.

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