Chapter 6

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By the time the princess of the neighbouring kingdom visits, Denki had already changed into his suit.

Midoriya was asked to serve food to the royal family. The princess lifts the teacup with a lopsided smile, obviously uncomfortable to see a low caste server.

Denki knew right then that he would hate his life if he ever married her. It's not like he has a choice, but he was sure his queen wasn't happy with them either.

Especially with the heavy flirting the king had going on with her.

The queen from the neighbouring kingdom then clears her throat, "Maybe we should let them speak with each other?"

Denki's mother didn't seem quite fond of the idea, but chose not to intervene. Denki pleadingly looks at his mother, hoping she would stop them, but she doesn't.

When Denki awkwardly gets up and tries to lead the princess to their balcony, Katsuki subconsciously follows.

But he's barred from entering by the princess. "I would rather we have some privacy." She innocently spills, showing a tantalizing smile, her fingers twirling softly.

Katsuki tries to talk back, to assure that he wouldn't disturb them, but she continues, "Besides, it's not like a princess could do any harm to him. He's a man, he can protect himself."

Katsuki grits his teeth in frustration. However Denki couldn't help but ask Katsuki to wait outside.

It would've been to embarassing to invite Katsuki in for what's supposed to be private. How long could he be leaching onto his bodyguard anyways? He needs to live his life independently at some point.

Katsuki stands outside the balcony. The doors were tinted glass, so he had a clear vision. That was, however, until the king of the neighbouring kingdom called him.

"My dear, my dear. Such a young warrior. When my daughter and your son get married, I call dibs to recruit him into my army, sweetheart." He chuckles, raising his wine glass in a gesture to toast for Katsuki.

The queen scoffs, she simply ignores the king and continues picking her long nails.

Katsuki awkwardly stands, bowing to show his gratitude. Just as he tries to ask if he's excused, a shrill scream is echoed through the castle walls.

Katsuki runs on pure adrenaline.

He reaches the balcony and his heart stops for a second when he sees Denki pushed against the balcony's grill.

The princess had her hands grasped firm against Denki's neck, not literally choking him but trying to push him out of the balcony.

"Your highness!"

Katsuki kicks open the glass doors, but before he could take another step forward, he feels a blade against his neck.

"Move, and your pretty little prince dies in front of you." The king whispers, pressing the knife harder against his neck as a threat.

Katsuki doesn't know Denki's capabilities. But by judging his flower crown fascination and pretty soft personality, he assumes that Denki doesn't know self defence.

One of the reasons why he was appointed as a personal bodyguard.

"We- listen, we can talk this through. Ask your daughter to step away, and let's have a civil conversation." Katsuki grits out, watching Denki struggle slightly.

However, it felt like he was trying to tell him something. Like, signal him something.

"Civil... Civil? Do you think we want to have a civil conversation? Hm, such innocence. You would do wonderful as the general, join us."

Katsuki nearly kicks his balls (literally) but he didn't know how safe the prince and the queen would be after an impulsive reaction.

But before he could speak back, a loud scream is heard, right after the sound of the slicing of flesh.

"Irene!" The king yells, losing his concentration over the knife. Katsuki quickly holds his arm and swings him to his front, effectively hitting him hard against the ground.

But the king doesn't pass out, so he snatches his own sword and slices his throat, blinking quickly when blood splatters across his face.

Katsuki quickly looks up to see Denki, sitting over the princess with a knife to her throat.

"Do you remember everything you said? You better, cause that's the last thing you'll ever say." He slices her throat right after.

Katsuki stands frozen as Denki continues staring at the princess' fear-filled face and wide blown eyes.

Katsuki responds first, he walks towards Denki and softly lifts him away from her corpse.

"Your highness? Are you- are you alright?" Katsuki quickly asks, checking Denki's throat and simply grazing over the bruise that was slowly appearing.

Denki clicks his tongue, trying to say he was fine. But then it hits him - "Oh lord, the queen!"

They both run back into the meeting room to find a dead woman and the queen with Katsuki's father. The queen doesn't seem fazed at all.  

"Oh thank goodness." Denki murmurs, seeing his mother alive.

"Oh dad. Thank god you're back, it was-" Katsuki starts, barely acknowledging the dead body as he speaks, but the queen interrupts him.

"I killed her, Bakugo. Your father just arrived." She says in a calm yet frightening tone. Katsuki takes a full look at her, she had the most blood splattered over her dress.

Considering the amount of wounds the corpse had, Katsuki would say it's pretty justifiable.

However, he doesn't respond.

"Who were they?" Katsuki's father, Masaru asks, stepping over the corpse to pull the queen to her feet.

"They weren't spies. They are the royal family. I can't help but notice how foolish they are. Walking to the enemy's fort without a back up. And they expected to make it out alive?" The queen stifly continues, walking towards the hallways with Masaru following her.

Denki and Katsuki awkwardly stand there for a couple seconds, watching the queen leave and the sound of her heels get softer.

It wasn't until the servants arrived to clean the body, did Katsuki and Denki move.

"So... Your highness?" Katsuki simply asks, to somehow get rid of the gap.

"Let's just go to the hot bath. I do not like the feeling of blood on me and I would rather smell like lavender."

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