Chapter 13

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Author's note:
This chapter is dedicated for you TheFaunus I have an exam tomorrow and I wrote this entire chapter at a single stretch, so please excuse any grammatical errors or nonsensical sentences, I'll try to edit them soon.

"Now, what else?" It had been about a week since the misunderstanding. Katsuki couldn't bring himself to explain it considering he might accidentally out Midoriya and Todoroki.

Denki was simply asking him for his schedule in formal terms and refused to even look at Katsuki's eyes. And even if he did, Katsuki could feel the chill run down his spine on how cold they looked.

"Just one last thing, Your Highness." Katsuki answers, leading the way for Denki.

He shouldn't have reacted so harshly, Katsuki knew that. After all, Midoriya always assured him that they were just friends. He knew that Denki would understand.

So he decided to apologise. He wanted to apologise for giving wrong signals and not apologising earlier. He had even made up his mind to explain the situation, and assure Denki that they weren't actually together.

He was sure Denki would understand.

"The watch tower? Why are we at the watch tower, Bakugo?" Denki asks, hesitating on the very first step on the tower.

The tower was the tallest building in their kingdom, it had a beautiful overview on the town. Katsuki himself had visited it several times to calm his nerves.

"Just for your evening tea, Your Highness. I thought it'll be really nice to watch the sunset." Katsuki answers, trying his best to convince him.

"We can watch the sunset from the garden, Bakugo. Is it really necessary for me to walk up about 19 stories to watch it?" Denki huffs but starts walking regardless.

Katsuki doesn't answer, he simply smiles and walks behind Denki, always ready to catch him if he slips.

By the time Denki is up on the last floor, his chest is heaving with huge breaths. "Give me- uh give a minute." He wheezes out, holding onto the railing for dear life.

"Of course, of course." Katsuki smiles, dusting the window sill as he hops over it, sitting leisurely.

"I'm a little concerned. Please don't do that without any supervision." Denki warns, walking towards Katsuki slowly, as if not to startle him.

"I won't fall down, Your Highness. Don't worry."

"That's not easing my nerves, Bakugo. Why in the world do you want to sit up on the window railing often? That's like a literal invitation for death to pay you a visit."

"Come on, Your Highness." Katsuki slides down and walks towards Denki, who was a safe distance away from the ledge. "Do you trust me?"

Katsuki holds his hand out, waiting for Denki to take hold of it. Denki clearly hesitates for a while and just as Katsuki almost gives up, Denki's cold hands slide into his own.

Katsuki smiles immediately. He tugs Denki softly, pulling him towards the window. "Your Highness, you can sit on it and put your legs outside, okay? Just sit a safe distance on this side so you can't slip. Even if there's an emergency, I'll hold you, okay?"

The ledge was of a safe breadth, Denki will admit. But he was never fond of heights, or ledges for that matter.

Denki softly slides onto the ledge, struggling a little with his extremely thick and layered dress, which made it almost impossible for him to climb with.

But as soon as he finds a comfortable posture, Denki softly slides his leg down outside. He peeks a little to see the height and almost gives up when he sees the soldiers look tinier than usual.

Katsuki, as promised, stays right behind Denki, ready to catch him if needed. Denki did feel a little bad for him having to hold his guard up all the time. But he would rather be safe than sorry.

"I'm sorry." Katsuki whispers, a little too close to Denki's ear who slightly jolts. "Oh wait, yeah." Katsuki adjusts himself so he's away from his ear.

"Why are you sorry?" Denki questions, not risking his life by turning back to look at him. Denki softly swings his legs, knocking them against the stone wall.

"About today. I woke you up early and all that. And uhm... I was taking to Deku earlier and he called me an idiot when I didn't realise why you didn't want to watch the sunrise." Katsuki pauses, almost cringing at his own voice.

"You absolutely didn't have to word it like that." Denki sighs, fiddling with his fingers.

"I- yeah, you're right. I apologise,  Your Highness." Katsuki immediately accepts, knowing just how bad that turned out.

Denki thought Katsuki deserved to know the story.

However, Denki never enjoyed talking about it. Though almost the entire Kingdom knew about it, he felt uncomfortable every time the King was brought up.

He felt like crying - something a prince wasn't allowed to do.

He feels like it forces him to relive those memories, those horrible days when he almost starved himself watching his father slowly die.

The King, unlike most people think, didn't die in a war or while sparring. He had a fatal illness, something that has bee prevailing in their Kingdom for centuries.

They named it 'Slow Poison'. Everyone who had it, died a slow painful death. Once the castle's healer confirmed that the King had it, the Queen had taken over the throne, seeing that the King was in no state to rule.

But Denki chose to stay with his father for his last few days, on the King's request. They spend about an entire month together. Sunrises in the morning, breakfast at the garden and then the entire day just playing around in the courtyard.

Every single day, the King lost his energy, his coughs turned more often, almost always had traces of blood in them. And soon, he was paralysed waist down. Three days later, he died on Denki's lap who was trying to save him.

Watching the sunrise made him feel sad, upset and mad at himself. But that was the only way he could feel his father's presence.

Denki explains the entire story to Katsuki.

"It's not your fault, Bakugo. I simply never told you- well, now you know, but still. I just blame myself, you know?"

"But, Your Highness-"

"I know, I know. You're going to say it isn't my fault. It's not simple to change my subconsciousness, Bakugo. But i appreciate the thought."

"Well, Your Highness, if you want... watching the sunset could be our thing? Maybe it'll get your mind off things." Katsuki hesitantly proposes, ready to take it back at the slightest hesitance.

Denki immediately turns back, almost snapping his neck. "Oh... I think- I think I would love that."

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