If you think I'm Pretty (Sodo x reader) 18+

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It got the better of me... see this TikTok of Sodo edited to 'if you think I'm pretty' and goddamn it's stuck in my head... it's by @iloveghost_ on TikTok if you are curious anywho onto the filthy mess

That fucking prick. He infuriates me with the way he walks so confidently, holding his head up high like the cocky son of a bitch he is. Especially cocky after he had me frozen by his comment 'Your just mad I'm fucking around and it's not you under me' that smirk drove me fucking insane it was unbelievable that it caught me by surprised. All because it was true. I was jealous when I seen him all over the sisters of sins whispering in their ears causing their stupid faces light up with red as if it was Christmas, especially that black headed bitch he was over the most hearing her god awful moans. They were so high pitched it sounded like nails against a chalk board and her forced giggles were even worse.

"(Y/n)? Are you there?" Swiss's voice sounded outside my door as he knocked gently knocking me out my thoughts that would leave so sexually frustrated, it was insane.

"Yes, Swiss? What do you need?" I growled out a little too frustrated to deal with any bullshit but reluctantly let him in after he asked. "Whats up with you and the little gremlin? You guys have been at each other's throats more than usual?" I let out a scoff reaching into my nightstand pulling out a blunt lighting it and took a long drag holding it in for a few seconds before releasing the tainted air from my lungs.

"He's being a dick he had the audacity to tell me I was jealous because he wasn't fucking me but I would rather be sent back to hell before letting his fucking shrimp dick anywhere near me. He has his little bitch he always has on him and that's fine by me if that's what he fucking wants, I'm perfectly fine with pleasing myself. I'd rather fuck rain than fuck him at least rain isn't insufferable and has a big dick." I ranted on as Swiss listened, watching me and at some point in my rant he had somehow switched my blunt out for a cigarette. I huffed and I glared at him once I realized.

"I understand your frustration but getting high doesn't make anything better as much as it may calm you down it isn't the solution to every problem (Y/n), plus y'all argue like your exes who can't get over each other the small things you do to make each other jealous isn't a typical thing for people who 'hate each other'," he spoke using his fingers to make air quotes on his last few words, "maybe one of you need to make a move to relieve this tension between you two. I know your are stubborn but deep down you know how you feel (Y/n) and you know what I'm talking about without me having to tell you." I stared at him in disbelief as I tried to wrap my mind around what he said but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to admit that I was jealous that I did want him. All at the same time I hated his guts and would rip them out if given the chance. No I wouldn't, I couldn't because I fucking loved that insufferable dickhead. Somehow he had me falling for him even when he hadn't even did anything for me but seeing him kissing and practically worship that sister of sin even though she meant nothing to him made me wonder what it would feel like.

"C'mon talk to me I see those gears working in your head (Y/n). What are you thinking about?" He asked as I looked up to him my eyes lined with tears that threatened to spill and I knew he noticed when he pulled me into a hug. "Swiss I fucking hate him. I hate the way he makes me feel so good and giddy when I think of him, then I turn around and he's throwing insults at me and staring at me while he's all over the bitch he has attached to him constantly it kills me and I don't know what to do." I sighed and let the tears spill I'm not sure why Swiss has always brought out my emotions with just simple actions. He always knew how to comfort me. "(Y/n) you know why. You know why he makes you feel that way and the way he looks at you when your not looking I can tell he's feeling the same, while I wish I wouldn't be the one to tell you I'm tired of seeing you hurt and him drinking his soul away." I stayed silent as he gently rubbed my back before I pulled away.

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