Show time (Sodo x reader) 18+

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Sodo and I laid on the bed on the tour bus we snatched the big one besides papas so we could share it. I closed the privacy curtain so I could pull my mask off after a long day of travel it got uncomfortable and sweaty. I laid it on the floor beside the bed and laid my head on his chest as his hands went to my hair to play with them and I let out a groan in satisfaction.  

   "Mmm that feels good~" I groaned out as he let out a small chuckle amused. "I'm glad you've got soft and long hair sometimes I'm jealous as to how soft it is no matter what I use mine is never this soft love." I looked up at him  resting my chin on his chest and smiled. 

     I moved closer most of my body on his with my leg going over his hips and buried my face in his neck taking in his smoky pine smell as his arm wrapped around me his other hand going to my thigh. "Go to sleep my love we have another show tomorrow." He said before kissing my forehead and flipping our little light off before we both fell asleep. 

           The next morning 

   My glamour had faded off sometime throughout the night as well as his as I woke up to our spade-tipped tails wrapped together with my clawed hand resting on his chest before I started to gently rub his chest a deep purr emitting in his sleep before slowly waking up pulling me closer. "Good morning love." He said with his raspy sleepy voice it always lit a spark in me it was just so hot. Snuggling closer I purred as I answered, "Good morning do you want to get the day started and grab breakfast with everyone I think they're all awake and it's about 9 am we have to check into the hotel at 11." He nodded and stretched before hearing Swiss giggle and popped open their curtain "Wake up love birds time to get mutha fuckin food!"  Sodo groaned and covered his eyes before grumbling out "Fuck off, Swiss, what if I was balls deep in her huh knock before you barge in." I heard him let out a laugh and a few of the others overhearing and laughing before phantom spoke up "We'd be able to hear it and smell it like the time she started her heat while on tour! We had to get a hotel every night so we didn't have to go through your guys continuous fucking!" I giggled and kissed his neck before raising up my back to everyone before grabbing my mask sliding it slid to the end of the bed sitting on it, "Yeah must've been miserable for you guys I had a good time tho." 

   Swiss shook his head the memories flooding in and he shivered getting rid of the thoughts before going to sit on the table before papa came in overhearing the conversation. "Yes it was miserable constantly hearing you and sodo go at it," he chuckled "anywho where do you guys want to grab breakfast?" 

   "Ooo I want ihop!" Cirrus shot out with sunshine and mountain and the others agreeing. 

   "IHOP it is get up and get ready we'll leave in 15 it's only a block or 2 away from here." He said before disappearing into his spot on the bus.

   I stood and stretched before yelping as I felt sodo smack my ass before he chuckled and pulled me back some his chest at my lower back his arms wrapping loosely around my hips before he nipped at my side gently and I giggled "Baby that tickles stop." He did not stop he held my tighter and attacked my side more as I gently grabbed his head wiggling trying to get away before he stopped "Satan aren't you so fucking adorable love~" He stood up being a couple inches taller and he pecked me on the lips before slipping into the bathroom and I grabbed both our outfits for the day until the tour which consisted of matching black jeans with belts and two band tees his being 'Slipknot' and mine being 'Metallica'. I slipped into the bathroom with him as a we both got changed I tied my shirt in the front and he left his alone before we gathered with the rest outside piling into the mini van papa rented. 

   We arrived at IHOP after a couple minutes the parking lot surprisingly only half full as we got out heading inside. Sodo, cirrus, cumulus, aurora, rain and I grabbing a big booth in the corner as Swiss, phantom, mountain, and papa grabbed a smaller table right next to us. We all ordered our food I stole a couple bites of sodos food and he stole some of mine before we all just sat around and talked till about 10:45 and we left heading to our hotel and checked in.
Later that evening about an hour before the show

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