Undeniable Desires (Rain x Reader) 18+

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It was heat season that time of year when ghouls would go into heat and become a sex craving animal. They would become almost completely feral willing to join orgies just to be able to Fuck  and shove their knot in someone. Most would Fuck whoever was willing but with mates it was different they often had to lock them in a room up together in order to keep ghouls from ripping their friends throats out over anything even just for looking in the direction of their mate. I've seen it happen, I've also seen when rains eyes turned to completely black from his normal blue eyes when another ghouls gaze stayed lingered on my curves a little too long. If I wasn't there he would've torn them into shreds no doubt but I had dragged him into his room locking the door and let him breed and fill my cunt till he was satisfied. That's another thing ghouls and humans were incapable of actually producing offspring so that meant he could breed and Fuck and there's no chance of a pregnancy. Although he had always longed for a family he wouldn't ever let his wants ruin our bond.
  I was his and he made sure you knew that but for such a shy guy he sure was feral when it came time. Absolutely feral, I loved how rough and gentle he was at the same time. He could also be a little bottom and beg and plead. I absolutely loved it.
   This time was different he was increasingly needy I wasn't sure why until it clicked when I was looking out our window. His heat started on a hunters moon when their senses would already be heightened and their hormones going crazy. We had gotten a house nearby the ministry after convincing sister imperator allowing us guys to dress as we pleased that brought us to where I was now.
   He was currently making breakfast for the both of us as you sat on the cold, marble counter waiting in one of his t shirts that practically swallowed my torso and ended around mid thigh on me and underwear as he pranced around in nothing but sweatpants. I watched as he moved around flipping the pancakes and stirring the scrambled eggs. After he finished cooking he walked over reaching up in the cabinet beside me where we kept the plates and bowls. I couldn't help myself as I shamefully stared, practically fucking him with my eyes. I watched his toned chest flexing slightly as well as his arms as he grabbed two plates. It was a sight to see and I couldn't help but to get turned on thinking of how he used those muscles to throw me around the night before. I squeezed my thighs together as I felt my heat become slick. 

   "Fuck right now darling? I-I can barely hold myself back as it is and that sweet smell is just so taunting." He growled out as his hands gripped the plates in his hands and his trail thrashed around violently. I let out a small whine and laid my hand on his bicep. "Not my fault your so hot and your heat came while I'm ovulating. I'm to horny for this shit, I want you." I said and he put the plates down coming to stand in between my legs and harshly gripped my thighs causing me to wince slightly and I gently laid my hands on his. "Rain, baby, easy please." I whined softly and he exhaled the breath he was holding, trying to relax his body only being able to loosen his grip as he slid his hands to under my knees pulling my legs to rest beside his hips. My hand's instinctively went to his chest before sliding up to his shoulders gently squeezing. "It's hard to be easy when I'm this hard and all I smell is your arousal, love, just filling the air. It makes me want to bend you over and breed you, pump you full of my kits." He said the lace of dominance in his voice and fuck did it turn me on more. His hands sliding along my thigh dipping in-between my legs to rub my inner thigh. I felt his slightly cold fingers slide up to my waist then up my torso his calloused finger tips, from years of plucking the strings of his bass, rubbed under my breasts before he gently cupped them. My back arched towards him as he rubbed his finger tips over my hardening the nipples the pleasure shot strait through me to my heat causing me to let out a whiny moan. 

   "Rainnn please." I pleaded and that seemed to be all it took to flip the switch inside him as he immediately crashed his lips against mine. I wrapped an arm around his neck as I moaned against his lip, his clawed finger quickly ripped the shirt off. The cool air covering my body causing me to shiver and let out another whine against his lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist the imprint in his sweats from his cock against me was so distracting from our kiss as the want to be filled grew. I bucked my hips against his my aching clit begging for some friction. "Rain," I whined out breaking the kiss ,"please I need you." He growled picking me up carrying me to the couch.

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