Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N - I'm hereee🫡🫡

TW - scenes some may find upsetting


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Rio and the twins moved in with us effectively immediately.

It had been two days since Reyna and Sol's first birthday, two days of the chaos in the house being at an all time high- it was awful.

Marco hadn't slept in twenty-seven hours, and when he did he was tormented by nightmares that now had him thrashing around in bed violently, muttering incoherent words under his breath.

I was trying to show him I was there for him whilst keeping my distance, knowing he needed his own space to deal with this and figure things out. I was worried about Rio too, although he'd previously shared his opinions regarding Astoria, the mother of his two children had been killed; she'd warned him but he didn't believe her, and I had a feeling guilt was eating at him more than he was letting on.

"I will go on a fucking spree until I find out who did this", he snarled, cracking his neck and then his knuckles, "this is a personal attack Marco, who the fuck would hurt her if they weren't trying to make a statement to me?". I was sitting at the kitchen island eating a bowl of pasta, listening to Rio and Marco talk about the current situation; it was safe to say neither of them were in a great mood right now.

"I agree with you", my husband nodded at his best friend, running a hand along his stubbled jaw, "we need to take drastic measures- if someone is trying to harm your children-,".

"I'll skin anyone who attempts to come close", Rio stiffened, the look on his face unlike any I'd seen before...I guess that was what happened when his children were at risk- I believed without a doubt in my mind that he'd kill or be killed for Reyna and Sol.

Just like Marco would for his brothers.

"I don't want anyone else entering this house", Marco announced, my fork pausing momentarily on its way to my mouth, "I'll allow Reign and Ivan, as long as they're checked outside". Rio's eyebrows pinched into a frown, as did mine at his obvious distrust towards two of his closest friends.

"You don't trust them?", he tilted his head, scanning Marco from head to toe.

"I don't trust anyone", was his reply. He grabbed his pocket knife that he kept in the fruit bowl (I know) and twirled it around his fingers, and while I probably shouldn't have found the action attractive, I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Hmm", Rio nodded once, his attention flickering over to me, "and you're okay Niyah?". I smiled at him, not expecting him to have checked in on me- not when most of this was now concerning him.

"I'm okay", I assured him, "it should be me asking you that question". With a weak smile he ran a hand down the scar through his eye; I still wondered what the story was behind that, but I wasn't about to make it awkward and ask him anytime soon.

"As long as Reyna and Sol are okay, I am too", he lifted a shoulder, "whoever this is can kill me for all I care, as long as they're safe". I wasn't remotely close to my husband's best friend, but the idea of him dying wasn't exactly something that I wanted to think about.

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