Chapter 3

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I had never been in a hospital before today. It reaked of chemicals and iron, but everyone we passed looked so shocked to see us. I think it was because of Leon, but I also haven’t looked in the mirror yet today, so it could be me I suppose. Dr. Finley was very nervous as we walked through many hallways to reach my parents. They were in a glass door part of the hospital. We had passed normal doors on paitent rooms, we had passed sheet like doors on paitent rooms and the baby section of paitent rooms, but now were in a glass door section. This one smelt the worst by far, it was like seering hot pain in my nostrils, I placed my hand over my nose until someone handed me a mask for my mouth. I tugged on Dr. Finley’s coat.

What is that smell? I asked.

“That is wolfsbane leaving the system of the paitence. It smells like burnt sugar, doesnt it?” She smiled to me, a piece of her chesnut hair fell from her bun as she looked down. Leon wouldn’t let go of my hand as I was wheeled by the nice nurse that walked in before. The only time he did was when I talked. 

“It would be easier to heal you if you would stop talking with your hands.” Leon said to me in a low tone. I looked up at him and he gave me a slight smile. So I signed with one hand.

Heal? I asked.

“Yes, the more skin to skin contact with your mate, the faster you heal.” Leon said to me in his low tone. “Do you not know anything about having a Mate?”

I shook my head no.

“Our mother was waiting to tell us when we turned 18.” Andres chimed in. “We have always lived as simple as we could, once Els and I were old enough to manage our own portions of the farm at about 14, we didn’t see much of each other or anyone else until meal times every day. We were normally so tired by those times, we didn’t have the energy to speak. Farming life is very solitary. We aren’t ashamed of it either. Solitude does well for people.”

Leon smiled to him, understanding that he offended Andres in some way. “You should never be ashamed of your station, Andres. I was merely trying to understand why you two seem so uneasy about a lot of things. Such as, you two were so isolated, why? Did you not commune with other farms?”

“We never needed to. The moon goddess blessed us with health and food for everyone. If we needed things we could not make, then we wrote it down on the letter in the truck, and the truck would bring it the next day. Life was simple. We were cared for. We were also educated in our younger years, in case you were wondering.” Andres was becoming protective and offended. I offered my hand to him and he took it.

“Right here are your parents.” Dr. Finley said as we approached two glass doors side by side.

My father, was half phased in wolf form, his lower half was wolf and his upper half was human, he was sleeping and had every tube running from him. His mouth, arms, legs, and he was badly injured all over his body. My mother was awake and alert in the bed dividing them. She was covered in bandages, but wasn’t worse for wear she was reading a book sitting up in bed. Her hair was matted and bloody in the bun on her head. 

“Your mother, was in the car, when the blast hit. Her inhalation was much more, but her injuries were less. Your father, had less inhalation of the wolfsbane but, his injuries were nearly fatal.” Dr. Finley said as she picked up a clipboard. “You can go and see your mother if you would like, it looks as though she will be moved into the room with your father in a moment to help with his healing process.”

Dr. Finley opened the door, and Andres went in first and my mother burst into tears.

“Andres!?” Mom was so excited to see us. “Andres where is Els!? Oh my goodness, what happened to your face?! And your clothes?!”

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