Chapter 2

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Once in the car we were silent, we were driving for what felt like forever and the two men in the front seat of the car just kept glancing at each other. Until the passenger spoke.

“Have either of you ever been to the capital before? I’m Harrison by the way.” Harrison said to us. Andres and I glanced at each other and visibly became straighter in our seats. 

“No, I have left our home to other farming settlements but I dont recall any time Elsie has left our homestead.” Andres answered, men speak first. 

“Just like Bryson to keep his kids as sheltered from the capital as possible.” The driver scoffed.

“Did you know our father?” I asked.

“Of course, he is an Alpha after all. By the way, which one of you ended up with the blood?” the driver said arrogently.

“What Drake means is which one of you will be tending to the responsibility of your faction? Normally it’s the Alpha of the family.” Harrison replied, he must have understood that we know nothing of what we are about to get into.

“Well, Andres is the male, so he will be taking the responsibility.” I said to them.

“Your the Alpha?” Harrison asked him directly.

“No, I am the male.” Andres said looking out the window at the woodline.

“I am the Alpha.” I said to them and they looked at me. There was an odd silence in the car, I saw ahead we would be leaving the forest soon.

“Looks like Bryson has been keeping a lot from the councel of Alphas.” Drake chuckled. 

“Is there a problem with my sister, gentlemen?” Andres became on the defensive. I simply looked between the two of them. 

“No, just clearly your father didn’t want to play by the rules of society.” Drake said to us. “Alpha blooded wolves are to be trained at the capitol in hopes for them to find mates and procreate. Elsie not participating in the court may cause the King to have some foul feelings toward you.”

We nodded our heads. Unsure of how to take the information given. 

“So what happened to our parents? Does anyone know?” I asked them.

“That is for the councel to tell you along with the King.” Harrison said to us as we came up to a clearing. “You should see the capital on the left.”

The captial was grand. A huge castle on top of a hill and thousands of buildings of all different kinds surrounding it. We finally saw another vehicle too. I guess the woods are a checkpoint and we stopped at a gate with two other gentlemen that looked similar to Drake and Harrison. 

“I dentification and state of business.” The gentlemen who was in full military gear said to Drake in the window.

Drake handed him a piece of plastic. “We have two undocumented children of Alpha Bryson headed for the capital to seek audience with the King and Councel.”

“You are their escorts?” the military gentlemen asked. 

“Yes Sir, we are Councel enforcers.” Drake replied to the guy, handing him back his card and waved us off. 

I felt like a hamster in a cage. I dont know why it’s so hard for me to sit still. After about five minuites of me fidgeting, Harrison looked back at me. 

“If your wolf is making you uneasy it means your mate is near.” Harrison smiled. I could tell Harrison was a good man. He had blonde hair like mine and had golden eyes with a strong jaw and a long nose. He seemed like a man you could trust. But, just as he was about to turn around something hit the side of me with the force of a thousand trees falling all at the same time and I watched the insides of the car flip over and over as we went down a hill. I took my brother’s hand and we rolled with the car, terrified for our lives. 

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