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Little brat, still complaining that she talks too much!

Kim Lalisa waved her fist at Kim You, who immediately said ingratiatingly, "Of course my favorite brother is still you!"

With words like these, she's acting like some sea monarch!

It takes a real sister to be able to scam like this. If her suitors heard these heartfelt words from a child, they'd be scared away for sure!

But they were sisters tied by heartstrings, and by the time Kim You was leaving, she was already clinging to Lalisa's neck and whimpering, "Brother, I don't want you to go."

Naturally Kim Lalisa was reluctant to part as well, but given her current identity it was improper, so after coaxing her sister a few times with promises to take her to the amusement park next time, she finally returned the teary-eyed little bunny into Jeon Jeongguk's care.

She waved her hand. "Take care of everything."

Jeon Jeongguk hugged Kim You and nodded. "You too."

Their eyes met, two people sharing a secret unique in the whole world smiled knowingly.

The next morning, Ran Ting brought the newly appointed assistant Wu Chengwang to pick up Jeon Jeongguk and go to the airport. Times had changed, and this time Star Ent. had finally deigned to arrange a car for Kim Lalisa, and had generously bought her a business class ticket.

All these years, Kim Lalisa had only taken economy.

Kim Lalisa wasn't well known, and with how low key they were being, no one recognized her at the airport. The occasional glances cast their way were only because of her rare beauty.

Even with a mask on, she couldn't conceal her graceful bearing.

But that cold demeanor was too intimidating, and passersby only dared admire her from afar, not approaching. Around Jeon Jeongguk was a vacuum, with only Ran Ting and Wu Chengwang sticking close.

Wu Chengwang wasn't a newbie. He had been an artist's assistant for many years, much more experienced than the intern agent Ran Ting.

With his seniority, he should have gotten a promotion long ago, yet after so many years he was still just a minor assistant. This was because he had an honest personality, never currying favor or standing out. No matter how good his work, no one promoted him.

Ran Ting noticed his moral character, and Wu Chengwang was tall and muscular, full of muscles, giving a sense of security. Aside from being an assistant he could also act as a bodyguard.

After the three passed security and arrived at the business lounge, hurried footsteps sounded at the door as a large group entered. Song Jinxing was reading over the script, didn't even lift his eyelids, but Ran Ting immediately recognized the woman wearing sunglasses and a mask among them.

She whispered, "Lalisa, that's Kou An'an."

Jeon Jeongguk tilted his head to give her a questioning look.

Ran Ting's voice grew even lower. "The heroine of Spy! Don't you recognize her?"

Of course Jeon Jeongguk, didn't recognize her, he didn't follow the entertainment scene.

Spy was the movie directed by Director Zeng. Kim Lalisa  played the second female lead, while Kou An'an was the first female lead, far surpassing her in popularity and status.

Kou An'an was wildly popular right now, and was also known for her acting skills. If it wasn't for Director Zeng taking a liking to Kim Lalisa, she wouldn't even have the qualifications to play a supporting role to Kou An'an.

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