chapter 3

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I ran out of ideas to call new chapters so I'm going boring lol.


It's been a week after the incident and so much has happened. First, me and velvet became good friends within only a week. She constantly likes my posts and likes leaving white hearts in the comments. It's nice actually. Though, Troy hasn't stopped by once after the fight. It surprised me because well, he usually liked to come bug me from time to time. And last thing, I'm getting a reward in less than 2 weeks! And-

"Miss L/N?" The stylist said, brushing out my hair. I blinked back into realization, looking at the girl who had said my name. "Oh! Sorry" I quickly apologized, taking a chocolate from the tray that sat on the vanity Infront of me. "You seemed deep in thought. Something bothering you?" She asked, smiling. I shook my head and picked up my phone. Scrolling through Instagram, like I usually do, I came across one of velvets posts. She was wearing a beige crochet sweater, with a white top. She had paired it with some sweatpants. I knew she wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit like that but God, she looked stunning

Once she had finished with my hair and makeup, I decided to go meet up with my manager. She said she wanted to talk, so hopefully nothing bad.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint "come in!" I opened the door and was met with not one person, but 2. "Um...who is this?" I asked, shutting the door. He looked at me with this smile. I think he was trying to look charming but it wasn't working for him. "This is Tevin. The 3rd most famous popstar and model out there." She said, gesturing towards him. "Nice to meet you" I said, offering him a hand. He gently shook it as he leaned back into his chair. I sat down and looked at Tevin, then back at the lady Infront of me. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked, awkwardly smiling. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Tevin wants to do a collab with you. Not a song, but like in modeling." I gave her a weird look and frowned. "That doesn't make any -""shh darling, it's okay," Tevin interrupted me. I looked at him and stared for a long time. Who does this guy think he is? "I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna have to day no" I said, chuckling softly. "I'm sorry?" She asked. I sighed and stood up. "I would not like to collab, end of discussion" I said, as I began to walk out. "You can't say that! I'm your manager" I turned around and gave her a glare. "And I'm your boss." I said, opening the door and closing it. I sighed and walked down the hall where the exit sat at the end.


Hey wait up!" The guy yelled to me. I turned around and frowned. "Not interested" I said, as he walked beside me. "Hey I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable honest mistake" He politely spoke, smiling. I looked at him for a second then let my gaze return Infront of me. "Look, maybe we could get some coffee? Let ourselves cool down?" He suggested, making me look at him. "Coffee does sound nice..." I said as I stopped walking. "Just for an hour. Not a date or anything" Tevin said, stepping Infront of me. "Okay sure...why not" I replied, smiling awkwardly. "Great" He said. "Sorry if I was being rude earlier, just a bit tired I guess" I said, looking up at him.


I sat there in my room, applying makeup on my face. "Only 6 more hours till show time" I said to myself. Veneer intruded the silence by bursting through the door. "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING HEARTS IN Y/N'S COMMENTS?!" He yelled making me jump. "Will you shut up?! They are white hearts" I corrected him. "Same thing! Are you too talking? Like, are you gonna ask her out?" He asked, making me look at him weird. "What? No!" I said, furrowed my brows. "Uh huh sure! You like her don't you!" He teased me and I hated it. "Were just friends" I replied, going on my phone.

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