The event

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After that crazy night in which I tried and set traps for Luis. I saw that I could trust him and that I could finally share my love. And to have a boy for myself, to my liking.
  It was the fashion week in France and it was Monday the Dior one. It was a succes. At the after-party. I saw him, Luis. We texted but we did see one time face in face. Cuz I was so busy that year. Dior and Channel are a hassle. Whit the elevatorboys was a new girl. It was hand in hand with Tim, but it wasn't Anna, cuz Ana was blonde and that girl is brunette. I got to their table to talk to them.
"Hi! How are you guys? How was the event?"
"It was amazing. I loved it!" Bene said
"Amaizing! I can't wait to go to the shop to buy myself some clothes from the new collection. And for the one for tomorrow. " Jacob said
We all laugh
"I liked it. Actually I will go with Jacob." Julien said
"Yes you are invited Forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself to the new star. I am Lihor Sofia the CEO of Dior and Channel. Nice to meet you. And you are..." I was interrupted
"Claudia. Tim's girlfriend." She said like I wanted to still Tim from her
"Well nice to meet you, again."I said with a calm voice even I wanted to beat that bitch
I get closer to hug everyone
"Tim can I talk with you in private?" I asked
"Yes. Sure." Tim answer
Claudia was looking at me like idk, weird, I think because I wanted to talk to Tim.
"So, how are you doing?" Tim asked
"I am good. But I have some news from my family. You know my big brother, Luca? "
"Yes, he was my friend." He said
"He is getting married and he wanted you to be there for him cuz yeah you know." I said
"I don't know if I can be there. But I will get you an answer tomorrow." Tim said
"Your girlfriend is such a girl. I am proud of you. You think she will be your wife?"I said
"I don't know what to say we are together for 5 months. I want, I think, but at the same time I don't think so like she kisses girls and she licks and it's gross but I accept it because I love her " Tim said
"Well I am happy for you. Like if it is meant to be, it is meant to be, no." I said
"Yes, like you said" Tim accepted
"We should get back to the table I think we talked enough. Maybe one day you will come to get you a few meters. " I said
"Sounds good, let's get back. " Tim agreed
We get back to the table
"I will get back I need to talk to someone important. " I said
I go to the boys and said
"So that B***H in yellow is the evaluator of my work, what do I need to say to her?" I asked
"Go to her with a good face and ask, how was the runaway." Hugo said
Said and made I go to her
"Good evening! How are you? You are looking so good." I said
"Good evening, darling. I am good. And the KS for the compliment. The event was amazing. I love it. I can't wait for the Channel one. Is tomorrow, no? "  She said
"Yes, is tomorrow. U think it will be better than this one? I worked a lot for it."I said
"Ooh, my darling your work was  always incredible. But people don't know how to appreciate the work you do." She said
"You have a speech? I bet you have that kind of stuff. Can u go on the stage to hold it?" I said
"Of course I can hold a speech for you. You will have one too?" She said
"Yes, I do have one. But I will hold it after yours. " I said
  She gets on the stage and starts the speech. It was such a speech that even the old fashioned  man started to cry. I cried because it was for me the speech. I thank her a lot.
  I get on the stage and start my speech. Everyone applauded me. I started crying. And Luis was looking at me with big eyes. He was proud. But he left, he just ran outside and came after a half hour.
  After that he appeared with a big bouquet of white roses. He gave it to me and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend on the song 'Treat you better' by Shawn Mendes. It was my top 3 songs.  Can you guess what I said. Well if you said yes it is totally... right. I screamed
  Everyone was looking at us even the people how were outside applauded us. He kissed me hard, he wasn't eating me. It was sweet from him. The DJ put a vals and I invited everyone to dance. My brother appear in the middle of the vals. I left Luis and ran to him. I missed him a lot.
"Hi!" I said with a crying face
"Hi, Sofy! I missed you too." He said with a sad face
"I missed you idiot. How did you make it here? You said that you can't come until 1st December. You bring your fiancee? Cuz I want to meet her. " I asked curious
"I made u a surprise. And yes I bring her here." Luca said
"Forgive me for reacting so brutally but I haven't seen you since I was 6. Do you remember Tim? " I said
"Hi, bro. How are you? I didn't see you in life. Congratulations, for your upgrade!" Tim said
"Forgive me but you didn't change a lot so normally I recognize you. Thank you! Hey and I didn't see you in life. " Luca said
  I got to Luca's fiancee.
"Hi! I am Sofia, Luca's little sister." I said
"Hi! I am Irina, nice to meet you."she said
"I waited a life to meet you.. " I was interrupted by her
"I see that you are at a party at Dior. I always wanted to meet the owner. You know where she is? " She asked
"You just met her. Is in front of you. I am. " I said
"You are bad at jokes. No one told you "she said
"You think I was joking." I said
I get on the stage and I started to I present my brother in front of the world.
"Hi again everyone. The one who came in is my big brother Luca." I said
Everyone applauded him.
And after that we we retired to a table with all of us where I talked to Tim. And I introduce Luis to my brother. And my boy best friends cuz why not. We had such fun. People were leaving so I needed to go from the table.
  After everyone leaved it was about 2 AM. We all left. Me, my brother and his fiancee go to the hotel that I stayed at. 
  It was such an event. A special one, a unique one. I love it.

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