Chapter 12

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"Hey, Ronnnn how was dancing with McGonagall?" People chirped at him as we walked down the hall. It was funny he would get all defensive about it and turn bright red that almost matched his hair. 

"They're never going to let this go are they?" Ron asked me and his 2 brothers.

"Nope, and neither are we," Fred said before looking at his watch. "Oh me and George have to get going. Cya." He said pulling Georges's arm away from us. I waved goodbye to Ron and went to meet up with Cedric in the courtyard. 

"Hey Ced. So you're asking Cho to the dance right?" 

"Yeah, and I need your help planning it!" 

He dragged me to the trail leading to Hogsmeade. 

Once we had arrived we walked all over the place. He had bought a Nifler stuffed animal and a bunch of candy from Honeydukes and he called it good. So we began the walk back to the castle. 

"Thanks for coming with me. I appreciate it, I think she is going to love this stuff." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Of course. Now go get your girl. Good luck." I said as I pulled away from the hug. Needless to say, I was still a little bit jealous but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I wanted nothing but the best for Cedric and something is blossoming between me and Fred. I don't know what it is but I can feel there is something there. 

A few days later

"Charlotte do you have a date for the Yule Ball?" Ginny asked me as we ate breakfast. 

"No, I do not. No one has asked me so I might be going by myself" I said as I grabbed some pancakes off of one of the large plates in front of me. "Do you have a date?" I ask her. She looks up at me and smiles. "Omg, you do! Who is it?"

"It's Neville. He asked me!" She said smiling and blushing. "Oh look the daily prophet is out! And you're on the front cover with Cedric. So is Hermione and Harry. The title is 'Young Love Strikes'" 

I grab the paper out of her hands and see 2 moving photos. One of me and Cedric hugging and one of Hermione and Harry. "What the hell? We're not even together! He is with Cho!" I said almost shouting. 

"OK calm down. No one is going to believe, besides people have been talking about you and Fred lately."

"Huh? Me and Fred? Why me and Fred?" 

"Don't act dumb! People have seen you hang out with him a lot more." She said raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah ok. I have classes I need to get to." I said grabbing my book bag and walking off. I began walking to potions. Before walking in I get stopped by George and Fred. 

"Don't go in there," George said. 

"Yea, it's about to get foggy," Fred said. 

"Three, two, one..." The boys said at the same time. All of a sudden an explosion came out of the room and smoke came billowing out from underneath the door. "RUN!" Fred said grabbing my arm and pulling me around the corner down the stairs. "We've got to get to the Great Hall! Dumbledore will announce if Snape cancels his classes for the day!" Fred said sprinting down the halls. 

Once we made it down to the Great Hall we sat down quickly and had to suppress our laughs and control our breathing from running so fast. We looked at the doors when Snape came in with smoke-covered clothes and his hair sticking up like a mad scientist. 

"Severus? Potion experiment gone wrong?" Dumbledore asked him. Snape whispered to him and Dumbledore nodded in understanding. "Attention! All potions classes have been canceled for the day! Whoever pulled this prank on Severus will be found out and punished accordingly." 

"Yes! Now we don't have a class till 9:30!" George said whispering. 

"What's so important that you needed to postpone classes?" 

"We have to get our robes for the ball!"

"OK have fun. I'll see you two later."

After classes, I was in the common room when Ginny came in holding Ron's arms. He had a scared look on his face. Hermione and I looked at each other and walked over to him and Ginny as she directed him to one of the chairs. 

"What happened?" I ask them as I put my hand on Ron's arm.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny said. 

"What?" Hermione asked

"What'd she say?" Harry asked him. 

"No of course," Hermione said and Ron shook his head no. "She said yes?!"

"Don't be silly. There she was walking by, you know how I love it when they walk. I couldn't help it, it just sorta slipped out." Ron said with a sour look on his face. 

"He sorta screamed at her. It was kinda frightening. I pat Ron's knee and tell him it'll be alright. I get up off the floor and walk up to my dorm room. Tomorrow was the Yule ball. I wanted to get a good everything shower in before I went to bed. I still had no date, I wasn't exactly upset about it but what could I do about it? Ask a guy out. No, thank you! 

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair since I didn't want to sleep on it wet tonight. It would make it harder to do in the morning while getting ready. 

"Hey Charlotte, there is someone at the door for you. They want you to take a step outside and talk to them." Julie came into the bathroom as I was brushing out my hair checking for any more wet spots. 

"Oh, do you know who it is?" I asked and she just shrugged her shoulders at me. I looked at my outfit in the mirror. I was in shorts and a tank top, I grabbed a sweater off my bed and put on slippers as I stepped outside. There was no one out there. I was about to turn around and walk back inside when I saw pink smoke bombs coming from both sides of the hallway. I turned around and saw Fred emerging from one side with flowers and a cat stuffed animal which looked exactly like mine. 

"Charl I know it's short notice but will you go to the ball with me?" Fred asked me, his cheeks grew redder and a smile formed on his face. 

"Yes! I will go to the ball with you!" I said throwing my arms around his neck. As we were hugging I heard a camera click a few times. I looked to my right and saw George taking photos. I smiled and looked at Fred. He looked down at me with a huge smile on his face. 

"I'll see you at the ball tomorrow." I turned around and shut my door slowly. 

"So did you say yes?!" Julie asked me looking up from her book. I nod and her. Smiles at me and begins reading again. I got my dress out and began steaming it. I was so excited for tomorrow!


Guess who's back with this storyyyyy!!!! Did you miss me? Because I missed you. One of my goals for 2024 is to finish some sort of book so here I am. Fanfiction counts right? Anyway if anyone does read this hello and happy new year. If no one does. Oh well I guess right? It has been a longgggg time. 

Word count: 1257

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