Chapter 3

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The burrow has been awfully quiet. Bill and Charlie have left to go back to their jobs. Izabella was upset that Charlie had to leave so suddenly but she understood. She made her way back to work. I was stuck here with a ton of boys and 2 girls who like to keep secrets. Hermione and Ginny were nice but whispered a lot. One day I will make my own room in the attic. 

The silence was so loud when we ate breakfast, lunch, dinner. Molly made small talk but it never got a conversation going. I wish Izabella was here during the day. Some nights she would get home at like 4 am and some other nights not come home. I owl her every night she doesn't come home asking her what is going on. She sometimes answers quickly other times not. I ask for updates on Neville's parents often but it is always the same response. "Oh, they are still out of it." Or it's "Nothing new no progress." I feel horrible for Neville. 

I was up in the attic getting alone time from everyone. I felt oddly alone in this house. I never felt alone but for some reason, I felt like everyone had shut me out. Maybe it's the anxiety talking but I don't know. I grabbed the great gatsby and snuggled up onto the old couch in the attic and read. I read until I heard Molly start calling people down for dinner. 

I snuck my way out of the attic and headed downstairs. Tonight's dinner was simple, chicken, potatoes, and water. I wasn't in the mood for food so I didn't each much. We had to be up early tomorrow at 7 am to go to Diagon Alley then by 11:30 am to kings cross. I was excited to get back to school. I wanted to get away from the same people I see every year. Not that they annoy me I just want to see other friends. Okay, maybe the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry annoy me. They are just all too good. 

I dismissed myself from the table and made my way to the bathroom to shower. I get out, throw on some clothes. I crawl into bed and pass out.


These chapters will all be short. I am lazy and don't feel like making 1000 word chapters. 

Stay safe <3

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