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The next day, I woke up at around 7 AM and I got a text from Alessia.

Alessia: Hey, I was wondering if I could get a ride today to Colney. My car broke down. 😭

Me: why don't you get Katie to do it? 🙄

Alessia: I mean I could but I thought since we lived closer, you could just pick me up on the way there? Are you mad at me?

Me: fine

I couldn't help but be annoyed because of what happened. I know it's childish but I'm a childish person.

Alessia: you still haven't answered the question. Are you pissed or smth? Did I do something?

Me: nah

Alessia: you know what, forget it, I'll ask katie.

Me: i'll be there in an hour.

Alessia: I said forget it.

Me: ok wtv

Not even gonna lie, I'm kinda sad that i don't get to drive her but i don't like her so it doesn't matter. Right?

After getting ready, I checked my phone and realized I was late.

"FUCK!" I yelled to myself.

I quickly get in my car and drive towards the training center. To my surprise, I arrived ten minutes before I was supposed to.

"Hey Ava, over here!" Leah yells.

"Hi Leah." I replied.

At that moment I noticed how gorgeous Leah actually is. I look in her deep blue eyes and get lost in them.

"Hellooo? Earth to Avs??" I snap out of my daze as she says this.

" H-huh? Oh yeah sorry, Le." I say with a light blush spreading across my face. I didnt even mean to give her a nickname.

She smiles softly at me, and we walk inside the centre together talking about our mornings. That's when our hands softly brushed together. I start to form a blush again and I feel the same feeling of butterflies.

I look at Leah and I swear I see her blush too.

"U-uh i think this is where we separate. Your office is that way and the pitch is that way." she says shyly.

I felt myself frown a little and we bid our farewells.

I start making my way towards my office when she pulls my arm towards her. She pulls me a little too hard and our faces end up centimetres apart.

Her eyes start moving down to my lips but darts them back up.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to pull you that hard." she says, clearly embarrassed.

She lets go of me and we stand a good distance apart. I can't lie when I say I missed the feeling.

"It's okay Le." I laugh.

"I was just wondering if I could um get your number." she says, stuttering a little and a light blush appearing.

"Yeah for sure." I say gladly.


"My number is 020-567-7343" I told her excitedly.

"Okay sounds good. I'll text you" she winks at me and walks towards the pitch.

Do I like Leah Williamson?? I thought I liked Less?? Ugh this is weird.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alessia and Katie walking towards me. I quickly walk to my office to avoid them because quite frankly, they're starting to piss me off.

Leah: Hey, this is leah :)

Me: hi, have a nice session!

read 8:32am

Leah: 👍❤️

I smile softly at the screen.

A/N: sorry for the short chapters. At least i didnt take like 2 months this time! More coming soon (i hope)

Your opinion: LEAH or LESS???

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