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"Wait so she's jealous?" i ask stupidly, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah." Leah bluntly replies.

"Leah, im so sorry for getting you involved in all of this. I didn't mean to let my feelings towards you get in my bitterness towards Katie." i sincerely apologize.

She gives me a smirk. "What feelings do you have towards me?" she says grinning.

"Hmm, how should i answer that question?" i ask smugly.

"How about you show me?" Leah offers, both of us knowing where this is going.

We meet eyes and she leans in over the cars console. Our lips were millimetres apart.

"Can I?" she asks, in a whisper.

"Please Le." i say, finally closing the gap between us.

It was the most magical moment I have ever felt, the best kiss i have ever had. Our lips mold perfectly together, as if we were meant to be doing this. I swear i felt fireworks erupting around me.

In that moment, i forgot all about Alessia, Katie, everyone and everything around me besides Leah fucking Williamson.

We both slowly pull back from eachother, and just lock eyes with eachother for a couple minutes, admiring eachother and the kiss.

To think just a few days ago, i was obsessing over a girl that doesn't give any fucks about me anymore.

"I think i should go. I'll text you tonight, Avs." she says, giving me one of her soft smiles that weakens my knees.

"Ok, see you tomorrow Le." i reply, biting my bottom lip softly.

She gives me one last quick peck before walking out and giving me Leah Williamson's world famous smirks.

That night, i shower and get all cozy in bed. I check my phone to see i got a missed call from an unknown number and a couple messages from Le and Alessia.

I start with calling the unknown number back.

"Hello? Who is this?" i ask.

"Hi. It's me Katie." she says, with annoyance clear in her tone.

"What do you want?" i say rudely

"I wanted to apologize for the way i've treated you throughout your first days at Arsenal." she says, clearly being forced to apologize.

"Yeah ok whatever." i say bluntly.



After that very uncomfortable comfortable conversation with Katie McCabe, I go to my messages with Leah.

Leah💗: Hey Avs, i was wondering after practice tomorrow we could go on a date. Text me back so that I can book a reservation if you're interested x

Me: i would love to go on that date with you Le x

Read 8:20 pm

Leah💗: ok ill pick you up at like 7 ish, see you tmrw darling x

Me: see you then, love 💕💕

Darling. Darling. dang im falling for her hard.

I doze off thinking about what I should wear and all the possibilities.

The next morning I woke up at 7:30. I took a quick shower and come back in the room and being greeted by Leah. I also realize that i still havent checked Alessia's message.

"Fuck it." i mutter under my breath.

I open me and Alessia's chat.

Alessia: im sorry about what happened yesterday

Alessia: please explain why youre pissed at me

Alessia: i think i like katie. Im sorry

Alessia: ava

Me: its alr alessia. Im not pissed and theres no reason to be sorry for liking katie. im happy for u:)

Alessia: ok im glad we're on good terms.

Me: yep

I wasnt lying when i said i was happy for them. Yes, i still dont necessarily like katie but Less deserves it. So, i have come to the conclusion that i have no more feelings for alessia and all of my feelings are towards Le.

It was about 8:20 and I decided to go to Colney. Tomorrow is the last game before winter break against Leicester City so I would assume that they would be doing scrimmages for the most part.

I get in my car and start driving.

As soon as I arrive, I see Lia and Viv.

"Hey Ava!" Lia calls out.

"Hi Lia, Viv." i reply, slowly making my way inside the building with them.

We walk in a comfortable silence until we go our separate ways.

I sit in my office do some work until ten. At that point the girls are going on the pitch and I decide to head down.

"Morning Ava" Jonas greets as he sees me walking over.


"So today we're gonna be working on scrimmages as tomorrow is game day. If you have any questions or something you'd like to know, you can ask me or Ava." Jonas sternly explains to the team.

"Ok team captains, Leah on this side, Kim on that side. Ill flip a coin to see who gets to pick first, Leah call it in the air." Jonas says as he throws the coin up.


It landed on heads.

"Ok, I choose Viv."

They went on to choose their teams.

" If you have an observance or something that we can improve on, let me know." Jonas directs me.


I watch them scrimmage for about half an hour.

"Leah's team is absolutely dominating with a 3-0 lead going into halftime." i announce, as if they didnt already know that.

Leah smirks at me and my knees turn into literal jello. I grin to her back and go over to her.

"Not gonna lie, that goal you scored was more of Lia's then yours." i joke.

"Hey! I was the one that sealed the deal!" she retaliates.

"It would've gone in anyway!" i say, as i playfully punch her in the arm.

"Oh whatever!" she says while putting her hands at my cheeks before running back on the pitch.

What did I do to deserve this.

I closely watch the second half of the scrimmage. Kim's team manage to pull one back but Leah's team still win with a scoreboard of 3-1.

I dont think any other teams take scrimmages as competitively as this squad.

A/N: i think ima write some more because like i said before, i have nothing better to do. Also, i stopped naming the chapters :). 

A True Arsenal WFC ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now