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The ride to the London Colney was mostly silent. I had this weird feeling in my core and it's really bugging me. It doesn't hurt, it's just uncomfy.

"So we have a long training session today, what are you going to be doing?" she says, breaking the silence.

"Erm.. probably watching you guys, getting to know the girls a bit more and setting up my office area." I replied.

"Sounds very busy." she says as she gets a wipe but accidentally brushes her hand against my hand.

Then suddenly my stomach starts feeling very fluttery and now I guess I know what having "butterflies in my stomach" means.

But why, why do I get butterflies when she does really simple things.

As I awkwardly look out the window with the newfound feeling still erupting inside of me, I start to see the massive training centre.

She parks flawlessly, yet again and we walk inside.

As we walk inside, she's met with waves and "hi's" and we run into a group of girls.

The girls being Katie, Jen, Lia, Leah, and Gio.

They all welcome Alessia.

"Hey Less, Who's this?"  Katie asks coldly for some reason.

Did she think we were a thing?

"Erm.. this is my friend Ava, also our new assistant manager!"

My heart burned as she said friend. 

I guess I'm just new to these kinds of things like butterflies and heart burns because of someone, a very special someone. 

"Hey guys! It's nice to meet you."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you too." Leah says.

Katie is still glaring at me. I wonder why?

"I'm going to head to my office, if you have any questions feel free to come by!"

As I walk towards my office I see Jonas.

"Hey Ava!" he excitedly exclaims.

"Hi Jonas"

"Come by my office if you need anything."

"Will do it for sure."

I turn the corner and I see a very bland office.

'As. Manager's Office'

"Smart labeling." I think to myself sarcastically.

I make my way inside the office.

My initial thought was that it was a pretty basic office but I can see myself making it more me.

There was a window, showing a perfect view of the training field. I sat on the chair just looking down at what they're doing.

My eyes trail a certain blonde. She sees me looking and gives me a gentle yet gorgeous smile.


I just look away, feeling so embarrassed.

After I set up most of my office, I decided to venture around the training center.

The girls were all in the canteen, eating lunch. I just look around to see a familiar face when suddenly Lia yells.

"HEY AVA!!! OVER HERE" Lia yells.

I slowly approach the table and I see a new face.

I recognize Lia, Jen, and Gio.

"Hi! I'm Manu."

"Hey. I'm Ava. Nice to meet you!"

We start talking about life and whatever when I hear someone laughing obnoxiously and when I look over to where the sound is coming from, I see no one but the one and only Katie McCabe.

She was sitting with Alessia and they were laughing together.

Is it wrong that I want that to be me instead of McCabe?

Me and Katie lock eyes and she winks at me and gives me a grin. Not a good kind. Not a good kind at all.

A/N : not edited btw (too lazy) anyways hope you guys enjoy it! It's literally been 2 months since i last posted, so I apologize. Idk things have just been weird lately but hope i have motivation to update soon, if i dont, dont blame me...

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